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A video of the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus titled “A Message from The Gay Community” offers a lucid and unmistakable insight into the growing radicality of the LGBTQ movement and the political and existential reach of its agenda. As you watch the video you will see that without any reasonable doubt the LGB movement—minus the conceptually inane full acronym of the full movement—has devolved into moral putrefaction and irredeemable degradation. Its crudely, openly stated goal is predatory capture of the children of the United States of America. Its method is psychological pedophilia. We may call it rule by a new form of bio-fascists whose goal is to re-engineer the bodies and minds of America’s children.
The all-male gay chorus can be heard stating the following lines: “We’ll convert your children. Yes we will,” “You won’t approve of where they go at night,” “We’re coming for them; we’re coming for your children,” “The gay agenda is coming here. It’s here.” And ominously: “Then we’ll turn to you.”
A word of edification before commenting on the video and its apocalyptic vision for the subversive takeover of the United States along with its intention to psychologically capture and kidnap American children from their parents. This agenda operates against the backdrop of a new movement called Minor Attracted Persons (MAP). The acronym is a successor term to pedophilia which the advocates and spokespersons for MAP claim is pejorative in that it eviscerates persons attracted to minors of their dignity.
As the chorus states, parents have done a terrible job of socializing their children. The sentinels of a “new morality” will make kinder and more tolerant human beings out of children because their sexually bigoted parents have failed in this endeavor. They will teach them transgressive mores, new norms, and ways of self-identifying.
It is not a normal state of affairs for children to be out at night; therefore, the stanza in the song, “You won’t approve of where they go at night,” can be reasonably read that children (their word choice) will be indoctrinated to engage in unlawful behavior not only by illegally leaving their homes at night without their parent’s permission, but by attending “places and events” that parents would not approve of were they cognizant of these nocturnal outings. And let us be clear: where would children be secretly escaping to at night that would leave their parents aghast? Your guess is correct.
A twofold phenomenon is taking place. First, a declaration of war against parents for raising their children according to their own values. Second, a premeditated intention to engage in psychological capture of said children’s minds. This is psychological molestation because it occurs against the backdrop of a plethora of socializing mechanisms at work in the pre-K and K-12 school system. These include but are not limited to: subjection of children to pornographic materials in order to make them more accepting of gays, lesbians and trans persons; the non-gendering of children without parental consent; and the induction of thousands of young children into a cult that eschews belief in biological sex accompanied by a forced non-binary mode of self-identification. We also witness the literal transitioning of healthy children who may suffer from depression, anxiety and some semblance of sexual confusion into a full-scale ideology of transgenderism, gay, lesbian and trans identification. The concomitant carnage here is the irrevocable despoilation of innocence. Once you rape a child of his or her innocence, the memories associated with that state of innocence are forever lost.
The LGB and the LGBTQ movements are in a competition to covet the souls of America’s children. They were never satisfied with Marital Equality or equality simpliciter in the first place. Their agenda was and remains a grab for and retention of power. The agenda is designed to lead to the sexual disqualification of heterosexuality as not just the human sexual norm—but to indict it as an inherently oppressive and agency-killing designation that had always been forced upon children: a branding insignia that condemned them to a lifetime of gender enslavement. The goals are to sexualize and to brand young children according to a new set of norms and mores which will lead them to revolt against their parents and their values—in fact, to all values as such. Nihilism is the pervasive principle here. Their agenda is to make the non-binary category not an option but, rather, a mandatory assignation for all children.
Canada has already moved in this direction by forcing non-binary pronouns on all school children.
The move by the LGB community to articulate an agenda in collusion with the standard ‘2SLGBTQ+ should come as no surprise. The LGB movement ceased having any political relevance since the passage of the 2015 Marital Equality Act. That the LGB community failed to resist the new misogyny – that is, the encroachment of trans-women (biological males) into the realm of female sports, beauty contests and other spaces traditionally reserved for real women – reveals a massive collaboration among the various factions of the LGBTQ movement to commit to an erasure of women.
When the transgender movement promotes child abuse via bodily mutilation of adolescent males and females, when it pushes so-called gender-affirming care by foisting castrating puberty blockers on children, which is nothing but a code word for affirming a belief system that does not correspond to reality, the LGB community complies.
When the so-called misgendering phenomenon is used as a ruse to destroy people’s lives and ruin the careers of Americans, the LGB movement joins forces with radical transgenderism. Pronoun imposition, which coerces people into accepting a belief system that they do not adhere to, and which confounds rather than relieves many children’s confusion, was never subjected to a healthy dose of critique from the LGB community. The transgender and LGB activists share a common vision: a Marxist-inspired commitment to destroying American values, Western civilization, and the manufacturing of a nihilistic post-human society—one beyond gender and biological sex, while simultaneously inducting children into a cult of sexual ferality.
One must emphasize the spiritual paralysis that afflicts these children who are naturalized as denizens into the nihilistic world of individuals who exploit confusion and stigmatize the identities of those who know who they are. Let any biological woman today declare that she is all woman, and that she is proud to be one. Hell will reveal itself to have no wrath greater than that of the spiritual eunuchs who don’t know who they are—a very small minority—but who wish to enforce that confusion on the rest of society, and shame them for knowing that their identities do not exist on a biological spectrum.
Whether it is the gay agenda or the transgender movement’s virulent ideology, their motives are to instill abject terror and fear in American citizens. We mean fear of saying the wrong thing which constitutes that objective reality is real, that it exists independently of anyone’s feelings, whims, desires or wishes. How did a small minority of individuals normalize and mainstream gender confusion? How did a small minority of individuals amass so much power that they can terrify an entire nation into a state of linguistic paralysis? And how did gender-confused people rearrange reality in such a subversive and transgressive manner that most writers in America today would be terrified to write an article such as this one which dares to identify the malarkey and insanity behind the idea that biological sex is non-binary and exists on a spectrum? When did properly defining what a woman is—an adult female with XX chromosomal markers—become a moral crime?
The LGB and LGBTQ movements are not content with revolutionizing the sexual mores and norms by which children matriculate in a move to euphemize pedophilia by replacing it with the acronym MAP (Minor Attracted Persons). They aim to destigmatize pedophilia to garner moral sympathy for such persons on the grounds that theirs is an unchosen sexual orientation akin to homosexuality. MAP can no more help their sexual attraction to young children, goes the reasoning, than gays can in their attraction to members of the same sex. For details see A Long, Dark Shadow: Minor Attracted People and Their Pursuit of Dignity by Allyn Walk.
MAP – that is, pedophiles – it is claimed, are as deserving of the same moral respect as are gay persons. This is not just a trivialization of pedophilia. It is, as many believe, a stealth move to de-criminalize pedophilia. If children can know and affirm their own gender identities from as young as five or six years old, if they can make rational and autonomous decisions regarding their transition from one gender to the next and give consent to varying degrees of gender modification surgeries from as young as fifteen years old and, in general, are seen as sovereign agents over their own bodies to such a profound extent that their declarative non-binary status is encouraged to be treated as an unassailable truth—then the implicit logical conclusion of MAP would be that children can easily and readily give consent to sex with adults.
Their motive is obvious. The goal of those behind the non-binary paradigm and its exploitation of children’s innocence is to normalize polymorphous perversity and pansexuality as the new norm—a replacement of heteronormativity which, it is claimed, children are forced to adopt. Observe the growing trend among some progressive parents to decide not to gender their child at birth, nor to respect the sexual biological designation bestowed upon the child by nature. If one considers the perspective of the child, the refusal to ascribe the most basic and natural marker of a person (his or her biological sex) must be a source of cognitive confusion to him or her.
But this is what happens when one politicizes and, in this case, inversely refuses to respect the indisputable biological sex of the child. Every aspect of that child’s development is twisted like a piece of putty to conform to a pre-confabulated political agenda and its attendant ideology. Sexual dysphoria, a rarity in nature, is conjured up as a prescriptive and normal identity marker and imposed on the child. There is a marked increase in trans children and in those identifying as non-binary because they have had their biological sex identities confiscated and a new false “gender queer” identity manufactured and imposed on them.
Further analyses and commentary on the attempts by the LGB and LGBTQ movements to fundamentally change the nature of American society should be forthcoming from individuals who care first and foremost about the welfare of children.
I want to return to the apocalyptic warnings of the soloists in the San Francisco Gay men’s chorus who, after stating that they were coming for the children and that the gay agenda is here, announced: Then we’ll turn to you.
This is the brutal truth. When you confiscate and indoctrinate people’s children without their permission, the parents will come after the psychological pedophiliac traffickers. They know this. So, they will come after you first. With the children ensnared in their cults, they have no choice but to annihilate you, the parent. With the symbiotic relationship between the state and the gay and trans agenda—a powerful union is formed. Again, in Canada Under British Columbia law, physicians are allowed to perform medical procedures or prescribe drugs without parental knowledge should the child have a “mature understanding” of the situation. Parents who resist can face jail time. There are many ways to interpret the slogan: Then we’ll turn to you. This could be armed confrontation between the psychological pedophiles and parents; or, it could mean: we are coming to strip you of your parental rights and have your children become wards of the state. LGBTQ ideology supersedes and trumps parents’ right to be the sole guardians and custodians of their children.
We may logically ask what some solutions are to these transgressions assuming ascendancy in the United States. The first step would be to openly state the agenda of the LGB and LGBTQ movements, and then to declare them as psychological terrorist organizations that target children. Because their overt goals are the premature sexualizing of children via—among other methods—introducing them to gay pornography in order to make them “more tolerant,” a good case could be made for simply declaring the entire LGBTQ movement illegal.
The identities of gays and lesbians who do not openly break with this nefarious ideology ought to be exposed. Gay men and women who want to live their lives quietly and without interfering with the sexual identities of others or imposing an ideology on society must denounce, repudiate, and renounce the contemporary LGBTQ movement. They must be encouraged to speak out against the mass appropriation of children’s burgeoning agency.
Teachers and educators caught teaching, sharing or making available any sexually explicit material to children in the name of tolerance and equality must not only be fired from their institutions. They also should be arrested and charged with psychological pedophilia. The LBGTQ movement as it now stands has served its political purpose and goal of achieving equality for gays and lesbians. If an entity expropriates the agency of children and threatens to come after their parents, then that makes it an enemy of the state which is the fiduciary of the people. If the state is in collusion with such an entity, the people must, by legal means, get rid of the government in power. There can be no moral arguments against the destruction of such an entity.
Surveillance bodies must be established to monitor the activities of these expropriators. This can be done by placing body cameras on students by their parents who can monitor specifically what their children are being taught in schools that are fast becoming national security threats. They must reveal the insidious indoctrination processes and methods deployed by progressive LGBTQ educators and their allies. Parents must retake moral custody of their children. Too many have morally outsourced their children to educational institutions. They have every right to extract them from woke schools. They must raise a ruckus at school board meetings by demanding accountability from teachers, principals, superintendents, and curricula designers.
The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche wrote in his seminal book Beyond Good and Evil that,
There is a point in the history of society when it becomes so pathologically soft and tender that among other things it sides even with those who harm it—criminals, and does this quite seriously and honestly. Punishing somehow seems unfair to it.
There are ruling shepherds, we know, who guide their flocks. They instruct them to rule by breaking spirits, distorting facts and making psychotics out of those who advocate and live by reason, facts and the dictates of an objective reality. Theirs is a declaration of war on the sane, the reasonable and the just. The only alternative is to strike the shepherds and keep an eye on the sheep as they scatter.
THX 1138 says
“The uncontested absurdities of today are the accepted slogans of tomorrow. They come to be accepted by degrees, by din of constant pressure on one side and constant retreat on the other — until one day they are suddenly declared the country’s official ideology.” – Ayn Rand
“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” – Voltaire
The fact is the overwhelming majority Americans today, or citizens of other free, or semi-free countries, are not very philosophical, ideological, or political. They’re busy working, trying to make a living, making ends meet, raising their children as best they can, paying the bills, and trying to enjoy their lives as best they can.
They get their ideas from the 6 O’clock News, the Horoscope, Wheel of Fortune, and their Chinese fortune cookies.
History, for good or evil, is made by tiny minorities, as Ayn Rand correctly observed, “History is made by minorities—or, more precisely, history is made by intellectual movements, which are created by minorities. Who belongs to these minorities? Anyone who is able and willing actively to concern himself with intellectual issues. Here, it is not quantity, but quality that counts (the quality—and consistency—of the ideas one is advocating).”
The communists in Russia were a tiny minority, the same with Cuba and Venezuela. Hitler and his Nazis began as a tiny minority. The Christians and the Muslims began as tiny minorities. The Founding Fathers were an intellectual minority. Most people of any age or any country can’t be bothered with intellectual issues and ideas, with philosophy, theology, or ideology, they just want to go along to get along. Until it’s too late and the minority takes over.
Intrepid says
“Who belongs to these minorities? Anyone who is able and willing actively to concern himself with intellectual issues. ”
Obviously you consider yourself one of these phony intellectuals….exercising your warped Messiah complex. You see Objectivism as some sort of “tiny minority” ready to take America by storm, with you of course as the Fuhrer.
Please stop telling us how great you are, even though you never really get around to doing anything.
You are a do-nothing fraud.
Cal from Canada says
Get help with your obsession.
Intrepid says
You are from Canada. Fix your own country before you lecture me.
Mark Dunn says
In the future, if a few normal are still reproducing,
will children become a scarce commodity bought, sold ,and abused by the elites?
Mo de Profit says
They already are.
Michael says
This article confirms my position that the elimination of heretics against the truth concerning sexual morality is more important than the punishment of persons who commit sodomy.
James Keir Baughman says
Exactly! It is so clear, now, that the way honorable people have long dealt with vicious incurable child molesters and other sexual predators is the only way that works. It is not long in being widely used again. Out of absolute humane necessity!
Algorithmic Analyst says
Thanks Jason, excellent insights.
Ironically, some decades ago I was off the internet for awhile for some reason, and entertained myself by reading the 1960 Encyclopaedia B. Including a lot of male/female animal studies. I didn’t think of it as particularly significant at the time, but now it turns out to be a mysterious gift of fate, proof against the current madness.
Mo de Profit says
Minor Attracted Persons (MAP) No, not persons MEN.
Yeah I know some women abuse their kids but there ain’t many women in the shame parades.
Nurture is infinitely more powerful than nature, if homosexuality was genetic how did it survive evolution?
David Ray says
Rep. John Lewis ranted on the House floor in 1995 “They’re comin for our children! They’re coming for the poor! . . . ”
That laughably, slanderous rant was the low I.Q. debate point he mustered against Welfare Reform.
When conservatives were accused of “Coming for our children”, it was a lie (among many) told by a fool in Congress.
When LGBT brazenly brag that they’re coming for our children, they’re not lying; they’re being brazen predators – now being aided & abetted by fools in Congress.
Steven Brizel says
This superb article emphasizes what the LGBT agenda has always been about namely legitimizing the perverse and decadent in human behavior
Jeff Bargholz says
I’ve been telling people for awhile now that the attempt to normalize trannies is a prelude to an attempt to normalize pedophilia but nobody seems to listen. You expressed the details very well.
There’s a group called Gays Against Groomers you should check out, Hill. It does good work.
Jeff Bargholz says
I’ve been telling people for awhile now that the attempt to normalize trannies is a prelude to an attempt to normalize pedophilia but few people listen.
There’s a group named “Gays Against Grooming” that does good work. You should heck them out, Hill.
K.F.Smith says
Yes, wikipedia calls “Gays Against Grooming” “Far-Right”, which means they must be a very good organization, as wikipedia is leftist trash as regards politics.
Jeff Bargholz says
Good call. It’s founder is a former gay porn star. Doesn’t seem very far right to me, not that there is any such thing as “far right. There’s far left, left and conservative (normal.) Morons who use terms like “far right” think anybody to the right of Marx and Hitler are right-wing.
mj says
Intimacy is private. “Parading” intimacy in public, no matter what the sexual orientation, lacks shame. It’s exhibitionist. It’s not a value. It’s an anti-value. This is this community’s obsession: only sexual behaviors define a person and a person’s self worth. All other non sexual definitions of self and relationships are excluded.
It appears these
non-heterosexuals want to disenfranchise the heterosexual parents, and basically kidnap their kids. It’s an attempt to preempt the natural rights and responsibilities of parents.
Any law that supports that attempt should be repealed; and those who wrote and passed this law should be jailed for attempted kidnapping, rape and intent to do mental and physical harm. The people who inspire this immoral misuse of power by opportunistic politicians who concoct these laws just to get votes, should crawl back into the woodwork and bear their own iniquity.
Trust has been broken. Parents are left no choice but to be their children’s 24/7 protectors, guides and teachers. They will teach their children to read, write and do arithmetic in a moral context and will succeed, with God’s help, in guiding them to lead blessed, meaningful, happy lives.
THX 1138 says
“Intimacy is private”, thank you for saying that. A person’s sex life, whatever it is, should be private.
I remember when I was a child watching a movie called “Buster and Billie” with Jan Michael Vincent. A movie with a very horrible, brutal, ending but also with very sweet, tender, truly touching moments. There was one line of dialogue that stuck in my memory, “There’s two things I think ought to be private, taking a shit and getting laid”.
“Civilization is the progress toward a society of privacy. The savage’s whole existence is public, ruled by the laws of his tribe. Civilization is the process of setting man free from men….
Every form of happiness is private. Our greatest moments are personal, self-motivated, not to be touched. The things which are sacred or precious to us are the things we withdraw from promiscuous sharing.” – Ayn Rand
“If a man cannot overcome his vices, he should at least have enough sense to conceal them.” – Lord Chesterfield
Intrepid says
Perhaps you should take Lord Chesterfield’s advice.
Semaphore says
Wasn’t it Adolf Hitler who said (and I paraphrase), “I don’t want you. You are old. It’s your children I am after, they are the future”? I begin to think that children were the ultimate target all along. It began with “tolerate us, sexuality is not a choice but a discovery,” and ends with “all your children are belong to us, deal with it”. There is such a thing as too much tolerance, and I now think that threshold has been breached.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Lenin also. And maybe others. Mao comes to mind, with his nightly orgies with large numbers of young Chinese girls.
Jeff Bargholz says
Yes, Lenin’s quote on the subject conveyed the same message as Hitler’s. He was an evil genius.
Mao put that teory into practice with his long march “forward,” as you know. How somebody so stupid achieved absolute power is beyond me.
Jeff Bargholz says
Your paraphrase of Hitler’s quote is correct.
an opponent declares “I will not come over to your side,” I calmly say “your child belongs to us already…what are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community. – Adolph Hitler, dedicated left-wing socialist.
K.F.Smith says
Betteridge’s law is often wrong, as it is in this case, where the author thoroughly documents the correct answer to his question.
I, on the other hand, write titles so that Betteridge’s law always applies. For example: “Are there any remaining democrats who don’t support pedophilia?”, and “Is there anyone on the left who isn’t a lying narcissistic psychopath?”
I’ve developed quite a knack for writing titles that can only be answered with “No”.
Peter Watson says
MILLSTONES Make Millstones Great Again (and again and again and again)
Christian says
Christ couldn’t have agreed more.
Peter Watson says
“From time to time, I open a newspaper. Things seem to be proceeding at a dizzying rate. We are dancing not on the edge of a volcano, but on the wooden seat of a latrine, and it seems to me more than a touch rotten. Soon society will go plummeting down and drown in nineteen centuries of sh!t. There’ll be quite a lot of shouting.”
— Gustave Flaubert, French novelist (author of Madame Bovary), 1850
RS says
The abuse of children sickens us. These people who push their self-centered-evil lifestyle on innocent children and parents, are barren and devoid of any common sense, compassion, or conscience that abuse young children this way.
K.F.Smith says
My wife gets the MS magazine Momentum. This months issue features transvestite Andrea Jenkins. The racist nutcase who voted to defund the Minneapolis police, all the while getting $4,500 a day security. The article discusses discrimination experienced by transvestites with MS. The article devotes several pages of praise of the LGBTQ community.
Always the same from the left. Their attitude? To hell with anyone suffering from MS who might have powerful feelings of disagreement with the LGBTQ movement. The left has their agenda, no matter how depraved it is.
If I could write enough letters to the right people, it would make my day to find out that the person who wrote this article (Elaine Shelly) got fired. I won’t hold my breath. Everybody on the left has their head firmly up each others ass.
Richard Courtemanche says
Advocating on behalf of the WEF which finance them.
Taylor says
Thats exactly what they’re doing and people–Christians–warned about it as far back as the 60’s.
Christian says
True, but people felt that it was only fair to treat homosexuals as normal people who’re just attracted to other men/women; they’re not. Unfortunately, good-faith concessions to a bad-faith enemy is the height of folly–and also pointless–in that no benefits ever follow. Rather than credit your nobility, out simply accept the concession and get on with life, the enemy simply pockets the concession and draws up plans for the next battle which, in this case, is pedophilia.
Jeff Bargholz says
You do know the author of this article, Jonah Hill, is a homosexual, right? Is he abnormal?
Mo de Profit says
He’s not what you would call normal but that word is being expunged from the language. Normal people are now called cis which is deliberately designed to be offensive.
TRex says
I remember, and it wasn’t that long ago, when introducing pornographic materials (magazines, videos) or having discussions of a sexual nature with young children would get you criminally charged with “contributing to the delinquency of a minor”. Practically every one I knew considered this behavior among the most egregious and deserving of harsh punishment. Now, pornographic books and videos are part of the school curriculum, teachers openly adorn their classrooms with gay insignia and discuss their perverted lifestyles with third graders. School boards weave sexual content into every subject and legislatures pass laws to make criminals out of parents who attempt to shield their children from “queering” and “transing”. All I can say is what the hell went wrong with our society to make so many accepting of this attack on our children?
Jeff Bargholz says
The long march through the institutions.