Comments on: Take Back the Campus! Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out - David Horowitz Fri, 31 May 2024 21:01:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dr. Don Rhudy Fri, 31 May 2024 21:01:46 +0000 I am pleased to see that Greenfield and other commentators are begin to use the proper term for today’s Left, which is Neo-Nazi. When I first began using it in commentary I could expect all kinds of vituperative correctives in response. I tried Neo-Marxist and then Neo-Marxist/Fascist but Neo-Nazi was the most accurate term. It certainly describes the aim and tactics of the National Democratic Party. They match the aim and tactics of Hitler’s National Socialism (or National Socialist German Worker’s Party) to a T while no office-holding Democrat today would admit that. Many of those Democrats may once have been Marxists, like Obama, but none will admit that today. Hillary Clinton wrote her graduate thesis on Saul Alinsky’s little book of dirty tricks, Rules for Radicals, which like all other Democrats today she practiced and still practices, but she is no ideological Marxist nor are more than a dozen office-holding Democrats today. They differ in practice with Hitler only in that they do not advocate mass removal by Krypton gas or machine-gunning..

By: john blackman Thu, 30 May 2024 04:00:11 +0000 2 ways to fix the problem , 1. dont send your kids there and 2 . for those who do inhabit the sewers dont employ them when they have completed their useless degrees .

By: gary fouse Thu, 23 May 2024 00:58:16 +0000 At this point, the universities have to be hit financially and legally. I applaud organizations like the Brandeis Center for bringing lawsuits based on anti-Semitism and harassment of Jewish students. We need to see more of that. We need to see donors finding other places to give their money to. We need to see concerned parents, Jewish and non-Jewish find other universities to send their kids to. And we need to see federal and state governments cutting off funding to schools that cannot or will not protect Jewish students and which are leftist indoctrination centers.

We need to see an end to universities receiving money to establish Middle East Studies departments.

Our universities are awash in obscene amounts of money, and they will not reform until that money dries up. This culture took decades to build up since the 60s, and it will not be cleaned up overnight. But now is the time to start. Under the current political leadership, I am not optimistic.

By: RAM Wed, 08 May 2024 21:31:21 +0000 All businesses have owners, whether public or private. Educational businesses are no exception. Policies and personnel will not change until the owners decide, voluntarily or under duress, that they must.

By: Beez Fri, 03 May 2024 05:11:47 +0000 In reply to THX 1138.

Ayn Rand is dead. Randian philosophy is deader. You take yourself much too seriously.

By: Beez Fri, 03 May 2024 05:03:37 +0000 In reply to Jeff Bargholz.

The “protesters” (rioters) know that the de facto POTUS has their back.

By: Beez Fri, 03 May 2024 04:56:15 +0000 In reply to Chuck.

All Florida public universities have it right. It’s the leadership, stupid.

By: TRex Thu, 02 May 2024 12:12:21 +0000 Auron MacIntyre (you can find him on YT or X) came up with a practical method of dealing with this problem. In a nutshell he says the Right should back off and let this lunacy continue without police action or political interference. The situation is leftist vs leftists in that the schools created these monsters and the monsters have now turned on their creators. He says let it play out because, eventually, one side or the other is going down. It is likely the schools will prevail, exposed and broken. It is then when the govt should enact measures to reign in the crimes these institutions have committed on generations of students. For example; no more govt backed loans and taxing endowments. It’s an interesting take on how higher education has been allowed to rip off the students and the govt while pushing an agenda not dedicated to education but antithetical to American values.

By: TRex Thu, 02 May 2024 11:53:33 +0000 In reply to Chuck.

Where are the other “Red State” Governors? Florida has set the standard for standing up to the leftist rot infecting the nation. Something tells me the other Red State Governors are too full of themselves to admit they didn’t come up with the tactics being applied in they do little to nothing.

By: Chutzpan Thu, 02 May 2024 07:24:01 +0000 In response, and especially in light of the Biden regime threatening to sanction IDF battalions, Netanyahu should tell Biden and Blinken, “You are mainstreaming and promoting antisemitism, and since you wont protect the Jewish students at your campuses, we will send in our IDF to quickly take care of the problem.”. Yes, Israel is here to protect America,.” And then Bibi should send in those sanctioned IDF battalions…..
