Comments on: What Happens Now? A Dem Civil War Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out - David Horowitz Tue, 23 Jul 2024 02:11:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: BLSinSC Tue, 23 Jul 2024 02:11:42 +0000 Wait till AFTER she’s “coronated” and the ballots are en route from China and THEN hit the DEMOcrats with an “Inconvenient TRUTH” – The Kamala is INELIGIBLE for the Office since her PARENTS were NOT US CITIZENS when she was spawned!

By: Sarah Mon, 22 Jul 2024 20:58:38 +0000 There is and won’t be a Dem civil war. They’re all lining up behind Harris. Pelosi just endorsed her and Obama will likely fall in line soon. At this point, it’s highly calculated and what we’re seeing is theater play out as the back room sweetheart deals are made.

And for those thinking Joe should resign, in my view, that will make things worse.

1. Joe hasn’t been in charge for a long time.
2. Kamala will be as bad, if not worse, than Joe.
3. If he resigns and she takes over (aka the deep state in control) the left will be even more jublient, what with “the first woman president” and all of that. It will increase the enthusiasm and galvanize women and young voters even more than is already happening.
4. She won’t have a record to critique because she will be in office for such a short time there just won’t be much there to go on (plus she may tone things down for that short time to prove how reasonable she is just as the Dems are doing in the hearings today) yet she’ll have all the benefits of being the incumbent plus all the enthusiasm.

We are in serious trouble, as a nation, and for this election. Joe bowing out was a major injection of energy for the left and they are going to maximize it, and then some.

By: J Mon, 22 Jul 2024 16:49:17 +0000 The same election machinations that existed in 2020 are still in play today. Drop boxes and mass mail in balloting are still legal in the swing states which will lead to a fixed election for the Democrats. So it’s not about who can run against DJT, it’s about IF the citizens will accept the results of Trump losing.
Michelle/Gavin 2024 is the only way folks will consider the election results legit. That victory is the way Conservatives will stand down and focus on another “Red Wave” in 2026.

By: Jeff Bargholz Mon, 22 Jul 2024 16:49:05 +0000 In reply to RS.

Bareback Hasbeen Obama couldn’t control a bowel movement, much less the US government. When are conservatives like you going to disabuse yourselves of that foolish notion?

By: Sword of The Spirit Mon, 22 Jul 2024 14:42:54 +0000 Daniel, you write as though we have true elections. What Happens Now? Same thing happened last election for POTUS, the DemoCraps steal the election. You do realize that nothing has been done in the last 3+ years to prevent another theft of the election?

By: Sarah Mon, 22 Jul 2024 14:32:39 +0000 None of us should feel glib about this. The timing may turn out to be perfect. The left is scheming and calculating 24/7 and they have a way of pulling rabbits out of hats, in part because the media does their bidding and, in part, because a large (and growing) number of Americans who are brainwashed fools. And they vote.

The bar was set so low with Biden that the relief Dems feel right now is palpable. They’re riding high, raking in money, etc. Don’t underestimate their energy and what they will project to the public via a very slick marketing campaign. It’s entirely possible that as a result of this shake up on the left, Trump’s campaign could appear as if it peaked too soon.

The left advances “by any means necessary” and no one should underestimate their ability to pull this off, shocking and unimaginable as that may be to sane people who are paying attention.

By: RS Mon, 22 Jul 2024 14:07:42 +0000 Has anyone seen enough of the bad actors yet? Note some of Dems crying about what a great leader Biden has been. He hasn’t even been running anything accept getting rich for himself and his family.

By: Bill Turner Mon, 22 Jul 2024 14:01:03 +0000 For Democrats, “The People and the Party are One”! So whatever the Party decides is by definition Democratic.

By: Martina Vaslovik Mon, 22 Jul 2024 13:14:55 +0000 They have absolutely no one who can beat Trump in a fair and honest election. This is common knowledge. They must steal it, again. If they cannot cheat they cannot win. They have been hard at work refining their cheating methods for all of Biden’s term in office.

By: Greg Mon, 22 Jul 2024 13:02:05 +0000 In reply to Gordon.

The alphabet agencies and the “Democraps” are one and the same thing.
