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On March 1, 2018, Joe Biden got a $200,000 check. The story of where that check came from involves everything from “bloodstained currency” to smuggled gold bars to ‘The Exorcist’.
But above all else it involves an enemy Muslim tyranny with ties to 9/11 and Hamas.
When I first broke the story a week before Election Day, it was about how hospital patients in smaller poorer hospitals, including one that had inspired ‘The Exorcist’, had suffered because of the corrupt greed of the Biden family. But even then there was a strange element which led to one of the key figures in the case receiving “blood-stained currency from a Middle Eastern country” and a “torture ticket” after suing James Biden: Joe’s brother.
Four years later, in the midst of the Hamas war, the identity of the “Middle Eastern country” behind the Biden business takes on new importance because it is a state sponsor of Hamas.
And congressional investigators and investigative journalists have also traced a trail from Qatar, through James’ health care business to that $200,000 check he sent to Joe Biden.
The health care business that brought together the Biden family and an Islamic terror state had targeted stricken rural hospitals in Kentucky, Missouri and Pennsylvania.
Americore’s CEO was introduced by James Biden to Joe at a fundraiser for the Beau Biden Foundation: co-chaired by Hunter Biden whose infamous laptop bore the foundation’s sticker.
James Biden allegedly promised that Joe would get behind the company, join its board and that the company’s work would even “help his brother get elected.”
“There’s not a single door in the country that we can’t open,” James promised the company.
But the money wasn’t coming in and James Biden was taking out major personal loans from the company that was supposed to be managing struggling hospitals. And with Joe out of the White House, there wasn’t going to be any government bailout of Americore any time soon.
James Biden didn’t set out to open doors in this country, but in an enemy of the United States.
The Americore pitch sought $30 million to buy up hospitals and named Jim as the “Brother and Campaign Finance Chair of former Vice President Joe Biden.” Internal documents showed that this resulted in a meeting with a Qatari “minister”. While the Qataris had plenty of money to burn, getting it to America involved conspiracies more often associated with drug dealers.
A “former executive recalled discussion at one point of trying to move money across a Middle Eastern border in the form of gold bars”.
Qatar’s ties to the Muslim Brotherhood (the parent organization of Hamas) and Iran had led to an embargo by its neighbors. And Qatar’s ties to terrorists, including to Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind of 9/11, who hid out there until he was allegedly tipped off by a member of the Islamic tyranny’s royal family that America was coming to get him, may have complicated the proposed investment funding mechanisms.
The next stage of the plan involved James Biden becoming the “chief global banking emissary” for Billerfy which processed payments for a cryptocurrency exchange known as Quadriga that traded money for crypto. Later that year, Billerfy’s accounts were frozen and millions were found in a personal account. Six days later, Quadriga’s 30-year-old CEO suddenly died in India, locking up $70 million in cash and $191 million in crypto. Another co-founder, Michael Patry, whose real name turned out to be Omar was raided and authorities discovered gold bars in a vault. The whole operation was then exposed as a massive ponzi scheme.
But by then James Biden had already benefited from $600,000 in “personal loans” from the health care company. On March 1, 2018, Americore wired $200,000 to James and he wrote a $200,000 check to Joe. But the loans, according to bankruptcy court documents were conditioned based on “representations that his last name, ‘Biden,’ could ‘open doors’ and that he could “obtain a large investment from the Middle East based on his political connections.”
Desperate for cash, James Biden traveled to Qatar with the aim of personally presenting to Qatari Finance Minister Ali Sharif Al Emadi who was later arrested and charged with bribery and laundering over $5 billion and sentenced to 20 years in prison. While little is known about the details behind the internal power struggle in the corrupt terror state, Al Emadi had been accused of “channeling Qatari support to various Islamist groups over the years” as well as subverting American and European institutions with sizable infusions of Qatari money.
As the American end of the deal fell apart in recriminations and lawsuits, one of the litigants received “blood-stained currency” and a “torture ticket” after suing James Biden and his partners. The blood money came from a Middle Eastern country known to be associated with terrorists. But the FBI refused to name the country and insisted the media also hide its identity.
Qatar is one of the few countries with that degree of political influence in Washington D.C.
But the single most shocking document from James Biden’s relationship with Qatar may be a letter that he allegedly wrote to the Qatari leadership on “behalf of the Biden family.”
“We are not particularly close to this administration and have a different vision,” Biden’s brother wrote, accusing the Trump administration of being “fractured” and “beleaguered by major issues that are not soon to be resolved.” However he promised that the Biden “family could provide a wealth of introductions and business opportunities at the highest levels that I believe would be worthy of the interest of His Excellency.”
“If this is in keeping with the vision of His Excellency, on behalf of the Biden family, I welcome your interest here,” he concluded.
Even while undermining the sitting administration, Biden’s brother was offering the services of his family to an enemy nation. This has wider implications beyond Qatar’s role backing Hamas.
Qatar was also the central intermediary in the Taliban “deal” and had formed an alliance with Iran. It is difficult to know whether the “Biden family” relationship with Qatar played any role in the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan and in the sanctions relief offered to Iran.
We do know there was a relationship between the Biden family and a state sponsor of Hamas, which Joe Biden profited from, and that has disturbing implications for our national security.
“We’ve got people all around the world who want to invest in Joe Biden,” James Biden once bragged. One of those investors had ties to Iran, Al Qaeda, Iran and Hamas.
All they then needed to do was to bribe the voting machine coders.
It was the absentee ballots that were fabricated in advance that did it. Once envelop discarded, no proof.
Bent Biden was bribed by Gutter in 2018 for $200,000? Gutter got ripped off, even though $200,000. is pocket change for those unctious scumbags. Joke Bidumb was a nobody with no power and no connections at the time.
Of course, Gutter got the last laugh because they probably bought a piece of his presidency with a chocolate chip ice cream cone and now they get a piece for free.
Just when we thought Crooked Joe couldn’t be any more of a traitor.
jihadjoe tempted by photos of young ,,,,,
Very good Daniel! Exposing the actual “mechanisms” involved.
keep on following the money!
That’s what I do.
Daniel is ALWAYS the voice of reason. Biden needs calm in Gaza and a credible pathway to the Palestinian state. This administration has resorted to arm twisting using the normalization between Israel and Saudi Arabia as leverage. They want to bring to a close Israel’s battle for safety, and getting a two-state solution would show that the Biden-Obama administration are International leaders….No wonder they resort to so many tactics to get Israel to cease-fire before the election. This is why the White House is working to oust Prime Minister Netanyahu using the hostage situation. They want to install Yair Lapid, or Yoav Gallant to be given the Prime Minister position. .
Netanyahu is doing what most Israelis want him to do, and the majority of Americans are standing with Israel. The Ground invasion of Rafah is going to be the nail in the coffin for Hamas and continuing the battle in the West Bank against Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
Now you can see why its more sensational for the liberal media to focus on CRAZY antics that are taking place on college campuses. In addition, nobody cares about these Get Trump Trials which are all libel lawfare to remove a responsible, cognitive, and strong President like Trump from taking back sane leadership and policies.
People are sick of the lies and the complacency to get this nation back on the right track.
I think Israel is waiting for the American college school year to end before invading Rafah so as to not endanger Jewish students and all the other innocent students from attack by the Hamas “protesters.”
But after the school year ends, the summer of love ( Love of Hamas and of the rape-murder of Jews ) comes to your town and mine.
Let them come.
I live in San Jose California which is has a bit of a left-wing government but unless the police protect them like in LA and NYC, they’ll be torn to pieces. The last Mayor, that piece of shit Sam Licardo, allowed BLM and Antifa to run hog wild, but the new mayor, Matt Mahon, seems to care about law enforcement even though he’s a bit of a lefty. One of his police bodyguards was attacked by one of the usual suspects last week on video while he did a local TV “news” interview downtown (only 4 blocks from my apartment) and he was almost attacked, too. When security becomes personal, even lefties reconsider their stupid notions.
There are a lot of Mexican Americans and criminals with nothing much to do here, and none of them like spoiled white punks who come here as professional rioters and they hate jihadis. San Jose State University is here downtown where the BLM monkeys and Antifa pajama boys rioted with Licardo and police sponsorship in 2020 but the students didn’t take part like they do in blue shitholes like NYC and LA.
If the police don’t protect the Hamas homos, I’ll be grateful for the opportunity to join the beat down. A lot of us have been waiting for a chance like that.
Great investigative work as we have come to expect from you Daniel.
Much thanks and appreciation!!
It is absolutely – no adjective will suffice – disgusting to see how the Biden family is
so imbedded in so many places. They have hands in every pie out there.
They are indeed a Crime Family. Worse than the Mafia. The affects of their dirty
deeds affects huge swaths of humans.
As it explains in our prayer books,, (major paraphrasing here)
the wicked seem to be flourishing, but that is only so they can ALL be brought down.
I Pray while waiting for that day to come.
Thank you, Marlene. Unfortunate it’s not just the Bidens. The Clintons were like this. Harry Reid, etc
We’ve become a third world country for these people who sell themselves to every foreigner willing to cut them a check.
Too bad the Bidens haven’t got the treatment Reid did from his mob buddies. He died not long after he got the shit beat out of him. We both know it was complications from his ass kicking. I can tell you from experience that getting your ass kicked has long term adverse effects. I hate the CCP but I’d cheer them on if they went after the Biden Crime Clan. That would make good streaming TV.
Just think, if even a fraction of this had been revealed before the 2020 election, Trump would be leading a much happier and wealthier population in the United States.
I wrote my article before the election.
My assumption is, not enough people saw it or saw it and didn’t read or believe it. That’s a real shame!
What’s the answer for 2024? Trump hasn’t won yet and Biden’s criminal hit squad will not hesitate to use every illegal means to keep him in in the White House so they can continue to use that power to squash Conservatives and push leftism as far as possible.
And it would still be the United States instead of the Disunited States of over 20 million illegal alien invaders and counting.
Biden’s brain aneurysms affected those parts of his brain that recognize
crime, corruption, immorality, betrayal, guilt, evil, and sin.
Biden will go to his grave thinking that he is a saint.
Most evil people think they’re saints. The more evil they are, usually the more convinced of their goodness they are. The top Communists and Nazis were convinced that they were saints.
Demonic figures throughout history ALL thought that what they did was good. People rarely think of this, yet it is stands to reason. They NEVER think of themselves as malevolent. BO, Joe Biden, and Jobama are no exceptions.
My assumption is, not enough people saw it or saw it and didn’t read or believe it. That’s a real shame!
What’s the answer for 2024? Trump hasn’t won yet and Biden’s criminal hit squad will not hesitate to use every illegal means to keep him in in the White House so they can continue to use that power to squash Conservatives and push leftism as far as possible.
Some of the leftists I’ve known up close convince themselves of moral superiority because they have some serious crimes/sins they have never confessed or apologized for. It’s a cover up.
I think his brain aneurysms and Alzheimer’s have suppressed the parts of his brain that recognize criminality, corruption, betrayal, guilt, evil, and sin. He used to be even worse than he is now, and he’s incredibly damned now by his evil. He’ll go to his grave soon from advanced stage 7 Alzheimer’s and he’ll go with the shameless disregard of the sociopath he is.
And then he’ll be cast into Hell, where the fake news media, his handlers, his fake Dr wife, the Easter Bunny and the Dirtbagocrat party won’t be able to protect him.
The corruption of the Biden family could not have continued as long as it has unless the rest of the establishment, including the FBI, were not also a bunch of crooks.
Who is Joseph Biden? Oh you mean president Rashida Taleib. Sp? She has run America for 4 years. Could we have a real election please! America has become a hateful wild spree of terror…chaos…unleashing the manically disturbed to express their insanity and mocking all that is normal. But They can’t stop NORMAL we are all still here waiting for them to self destruct.
Yes Qatar, Iran, CCP, Soros and Obama all support Muslim Brotherhood entities, and Biden is beholden to each of them – his puppet masters.
Alzheimer Joe has so many puppet masters I’m surprised he hasn’t had his limbs and head torn off. He’s dickless, so he doesn’t have to worry about that, though.
My assumption is, not enough people saw it or saw it and didn’t read or believe it. That’s a real shame!
What’s the answer for 2024? Trump hasn’t won yet and Biden’s criminal hit squad will not hesitate to use every illegal means to keep him in in the White House so they can continue to use that power to squash Conservatives and push leftism as far as possible.
help spread it
I wonder if they offered them American’s organs that they could harvest at rural hospitals? I mean why not, they’ve sold out everything else in the country.
we’ve got plenty of blood too
We have a pro-Palestinian dipsheet in the White House. Anyone who disbelieves a rigged election is complicit.
Perhaps we Americans can chip in and pay Biden to start looking out for OUR interests.
Unless we get rid of the electronic voting machines we will never get to know whether President Trump can keep his promisis!! That means you and I have to get out from behind our computers and take action.
Should President Trump win the election he better have his own security team or it will be President Kennedy and Bobby Kennendy all over again. With all the jihadist, ISIS terrorists and CCP operatives that the current administration has invited into the country he will assasinated just like the Kennedies and Epstein.
Let’s be real. Hamas didn’t have to buy Joe Biden, he’s just a dog king. He’s the retard that the Obama-run White house installed to make America a world-wide lauughingstock.
But even Obama the Nazi-loving Islamist isn’t the real problem. The real problem is HIS boss, the United Nations. Everything that’s going on is in service to UN Agenda 2030. They want world government, run by the UN and they need to destroy America to do it. They’re well on their way and both houses of Congress and the Senate are helping. Say, can Mike Johnson take any more bribes? He went into office with 625,000 in his coffers and now he’s worth $25 million. Pays to sell out your country I guess.