The Freedom Center is proud to announce our exclusive new webinar series, “Teach-Ins for the Twenty-First Century.” Join us as some of the leading thinkers and pundits on the scene today discuss key issues related to the coronavirus pandemic and its ongoing implications, confronting the Left, the jihad terror threat, and much, much more. Ask your own questions of our experts!
Limited Space Available.
Join us Wednesday night, July 7, at 7pm Eastern (4PM Pacific):
The Never-Ending Saga of Anti-Semitism
Description: Anti-Semitism is known as the “longest hatred” because its core ideological development is rooted in the ancient world. In every age there has been a specific set of public figures primarily responsible for perpetuating anti-Semitic myths — most aptly adapted to any given time and place. In this talk, Dov Hikind will discuss the latest iterations we’re seeing which, in some ways, are unprecedented and extremely dangerous. When members of Congress compare America and Israel to Hamas and the Taliban, it is evident we’ve reached a new level of dangerous absurdity. The great danger is to be found in the use of “humanitarian concern” as the basis for demonizing Israel and America which enables the furtherance of such patently absurd moral equivalencies. Such agendas aren’t even meant to gain justice on any level, but simply to malign the reputations of two democratic nations.
DOV HIKIND, founder of ‘Americans Against Anti-Semitism’, served in the New York State Assembly for 36 years as an outspoken advocate for his constituency, battling discrimination, anti-Semitism, Holocaust denial, and human rights violations. Dov’s career began as an activist who fought for Jewish emigration from Russia before the Iron Curtain had fallen. As the son of Holocaust survivors, his central mission is educating the public on Nazi atrocities and fighting against anti-Semites and racists so as to prevent the reoccurrence of genocide.
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