Comments on: Dear Conservatives, I Apologize Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out - David Horowitz Wed, 15 Mar 2023 02:18:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Roark Wed, 15 Mar 2023 02:18:31 +0000 It’s funny, I was telling people that I don’t trust Miss Wolf because she has done so much damage over the years. I would tell them that for someone who has done that needs to apologize for their mistakes.

After reading her letter, I must confess that I am impressed with the depth of her understanding, apology accepted.

Welcome into the light. Let’s hope we can save America before it’s too late!

By: Harvey R Wed, 15 Mar 2023 00:27:32 +0000 Mark this day, Naomi. This is the day you “came out” to your liberal friends by calling out their liberal lies. Now, will you retreat back into your shell when they come for you? Will you reverse course again and promise them you’ll never stray again? This apology is theater if it’s not followed up with a “full throated” denunciation of so many more liberal lies. It’s time to choose, to pick your side and to boldly move forward. It’s time to choose life, not liberal lies.

By: Tex the Mockingbird Tue, 14 Mar 2023 21:13:51 +0000 The M.S. Media need to appoligize for all its Lies and Fake News they gave us

By: gleion Tue, 14 Mar 2023 18:28:03 +0000 If Ms. Wolf is vexed that she fell prey to the lies of the Left, she should perhaps take some “solace” in the fact that the liars she now criticizes learned from the very best–Ms. Wolf herself. Naomi Wolf’s 30 years of scholarship–if one can call it that–is riddled with errors, distortions, unfair characterizations, and outright falsehoods all designed to indoctrinate generations of women to be suspicious of and hostile to men. If Ms. Wolf truly needs to feel apologetic about something, let it not be for when she was an innocent fooled by those with wicked intent—but let her truly feel remorse for when she was on the other side of that equation.

By: MikeM_inMD Tue, 14 Mar 2023 16:01:29 +0000 In reply to Pip McGuigin.

No one should owe allegiance to a political party over allegiance to their country – and even allegiance to the country should not be blind allegiance.

By: SchmuelyMoneywitz Tue, 14 Mar 2023 15:15:37 +0000 Thanks for doing the bare minimum and apologizing for perpetrating lies and contributing to thousands of people exercising their First Amendment rights to assembly and petition for redress of grievance spending years of their life in solitary confinement and being tortured by racist black guards for being White,followed by illegal imprisonment for many. It’s a very sad day in America when that warrants a thanks. Your apology will not restore the sight in Ryan Samsel’s eye or repair the brain damage he received from the vicious,inhumane, and brutal beating he received at the hands of racist D.C. jailers nor will it bring Ashli Babbitt back to life after having been murdered by the Capitol police that your tribe lionized in the wake of the deadly attack on January 6th protesters by the government.

You can grieve the poor broken windows at the Capitol building while we grieve our dead,our political prisoners, the loss of our fundamental rights,and the permanent loss of our voice in the political system as questionable future elections go unchallenged due to the chilling effect this “insurrection” hoax will have on patriotic Americans.

By: internalexile Tue, 14 Mar 2023 15:05:29 +0000 Jeez, Dr. Wolf, when are you going to just let the other shoe drop?

By: Scott McKay Tue, 14 Mar 2023 12:06:57 +0000 You should apologize again for failing to recognize the distinction between information being LEAKED and info being RELEASED.
We know who gave what to whom in this instance.
In every Democrat narrative, the “leaker” was anonymous.

“ But you don’t have to agree with Mr Carlson’s interpretation of the videos, to believe, as I do, that he engaged in valuable journalism simply by airing the footage that was leaked to him.”

By: Spurwing Plover Tue, 14 Mar 2023 06:54:14 +0000 Trump won the election Biden stole it with the help of the Globalists and there are still the pathetic little Pinheads who thinks trump Lost since they depend upon the M.S. Media for their News

By: Keefe Goldfisher Tue, 14 Mar 2023 03:52:27 +0000 It’s a very nice open letter, Ms. Wolf; most of us know you from your brave analysis of the COVID virus and vaccine. Please consider two things, since you’ve come so far:

1) The reason for all those people coming to the capitol was to protest a stolen election. Since ‘journalists’ of the kind you’re dissociating from, with your mea culpa, have said over and over that Trump was lying about the 2020 results, maybe you can examine the train of lies that accompanied their declarations and ask yourself how far would you be willing to go to stop a fraud perpetrated on the American people;

2) the revulsion to violence is apparently not just your redline but also that of Chuck Grassley and John Kennedy–two senators that surprised me with their antagonism to Tucker’s movie night… what is there to fear from citizens seeing unredacted film? Everyone is against violence till the point it overwhelms, and then you must protect yourself. Ask yourself was it not a brave thing for those who showed up to back up their beliefs with a protest, like the Bonus Army? Were they not more sinned against than sinning? We threw off the British violently to win our independence. In hindsight, January 6 seems more like a trap sprung on normal people to facilitate a coup than a riot. A bridge too far for you?
