Comments on: Happy Indictment Day! Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out - David Horowitz Wed, 09 Aug 2023 14:41:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Wayne Donald Andrews Wed, 09 Aug 2023 14:41:11 +0000 Excellent article! Hannah Arendt, “The Origins of Totalitarianism” – “The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction (i.e., the reality of experience) and the distinction between true and false (i.e., the standards of thought) no longer exist.” We have not changed one bit. Indeed, this phenomenon has always been operating beneath the surface; just waiting for the right set of circumstances to bring it to the surface again. Events of recent years have made this very apparent. Erich Fromm, “Escape From Freedom” – “When Fascism came into power, most people were unprepared, both theoretically and practically. They were unable to believe that man could exhibit such propensities for evil, such lust for power…or such a yearning for [the] submission [of the population].” Covid was a clear indicator this; with many people being all too willing to forfeit their Constitutional and God-given rights of personal autonomy and of being self-reliant individuals who are responsible for their own lives; all for a false sense of being “safe.”  The subconscious wish to be a slave still churns in the subconscious of many.. We have learned nothing. It is a mistake to assume that the masses would read educated, credible, sane writers of history.

By: RS Wed, 09 Aug 2023 13:34:06 +0000 I have to give Dr. Naomi Wolf and RFKjr. credit and thanks for their mission to save humanity from destruction. They have pursued investigative honest measures to inform the public medically, and with (facts that don’t lie. and are proven.) We don’t have a media that is for humanity, we have a few good journalists and reporters, some on FPM, but the media is mainly on the dark side. Society became fear-based two years ago with the pandemic, which opened the door for government overreach and dependence on government. America and Capitalism must be taken down for a new world order to rise.

By: Charles Kitchens Tue, 08 Aug 2023 00:04:15 +0000 Naomi, as I have listened to you on The Warroom discussing the Covid virus and especially the vaccines, you have become much beloved, by me, for your clear headed thought. Today, you have once again succeeded in cutting through the fog of the crowd, and getting down to the heart of the matter. I had a preacher friend close to forty years ago comment, that Democrats and Republicans just gave he boys down at the barbershop something to talk about because the actual selection was at a much higher level than that. I’m not sure he was right in his actual reasoning, but in overall sentiment he was on the mark.

We must reclaim our nation from the Deep State and the Globalists. If more people with your political background could just open their eyes, be more skeptical of what they’re told, we might have a chance. Keep on writing and keep on speaking out..
May God bless you!!!!

By: Semaphore Mon, 07 Aug 2023 22:39:45 +0000 In reply to Patriotliz.

After all of this, do you still think Trump will get reelected? I think his plane will crash or his boat will sink first. That’s the way these people do things. If you can’t destroy him politically, just destroy him.

By: Luz Maria Rodriguez Mon, 07 Aug 2023 22:28:53 +0000 The unproportional, irrational hatred shown to Trump is staggering and stunning. It’s as if somehow so many of the left breathed an air contagion that corrupted all their thinking all at once. Simple biology is dissed, logic is dissed, mathematics is racist, physics is racist, reason is racist. The breadth and depth of this illness makes it seem impossible to heal in time to be corrected on November of 2024.

El Salvador president, Nayib Bukele, commented on the rapid decline of America. He also used measures to correct the staggering crime in that country. Notably, the American media criticized him for it in the same manner Venezuela’s Maduro criticized him. One could conclude, therefore, that the American media and Maduro have the same values on crippling crime. For sure, the American media carries a huge portion of the reason the left has become so widespread here. China was perspicacious a few years ago to deny big tech free access to that nation. Big tech has done nearly irreparable harm here. Foolish thugs.

By: Patriotliz Mon, 07 Aug 2023 20:27:56 +0000 Every 2016 Trump rally we always heard chants from the crowd “Lock her up.” Nothing that bold directly from Trump in fact he seemed somewhat embarrassed by those chants against Hillary. What did Trump do after he got elected? He didn’t “lock her up.” He got to work to MAGA and was Mr. Nice Guy even though there were far more bona fide crimes that Hillary was guilty of— much more then we knew at the time. Under Trump the DOJ and FBI were independent…much to his dismay because they even came after him. In spite of his appointments of AGs, head of FBI and DNI they were total disappointments and either undermined him, covered up for the Democrat crimes or they ignored the massive fraud going on under their noses. Ratcliffe in particular apparently “saw nothin'” concerning the blatant 2020 Election fraud; in fact he gave a press conference in Oct. 2020 giving his seal of approval that the Election was completely “secure!!” He knew the Hunter laptop was not Russian disinformation but couldn’t seem to manage a major slap down of the notorious phony letter from the 51 ex-Intel agents who said that it was Russian disinfo. Ratcliffe even said later that it was “1 against 51!!!” Ratcliffe was also oblivious to all the FBI colluding with social media to censor conservatives.
Republicans just aren’t good at taking charge even when they are in charge. They’re weaklings; Democrats are far more ruthless and vicious. The Democrat FascistCommie dictators believe in survival the fittest. Conservatives believe in Constitutional fair play and are totally naïve.
Trump has to get tough when elected.

By: Warm Pablum Mon, 07 Aug 2023 20:15:01 +0000 Please stop the “communists” labeling. These people are “monarchists”. They have not the desire to be citizens, they assume their “leader” will put them first. Our Founding documents could set the ideas down but could not make some individuals abandon their belief in “a glorious leader” proven by their popularity. A smart guy once noted, after living under a regime that could do as he described; Any Government sufficiently strong enough to give you everything you want must therefore be sufficiently strong enough to take every thing you have. Government has no monies save what it receives/takes from the governed. This reality usually sinks in when individuality is ended. History shows that the governmental suppression of individuality has never been overturned without the shedding of blood through self sacrifice by the individual.

By: AbeKat Mon, 07 Aug 2023 19:11:45 +0000 In reply to Greg.

Great comment Greg and sadly very true as they are so full of hatred.

By: RAM Mon, 07 Aug 2023 18:34:56 +0000 I was for McGovern in 1972 and Reagan in 1980. It’s called maturation.

By: RAM Mon, 07 Aug 2023 18:32:55 +0000 In reply to Mark Sochor.

If we can’r welcome political penitents, how do we ever win?
