Comments on: ‘Broken in What Way?’ Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out - David Horowitz Thu, 21 Mar 2024 18:07:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Todd Thu, 21 Mar 2024 18:07:23 +0000 In reply to kilroy.

Trump was President during the plandemic! He recently praised the lethal injections aka the vax, and took credit.

Yes, democrats are evil, but they aren’t responsible for everything bad. Everything exists with the cooperation of the republicans.

Many of our representatives make noise that sounds good, but has anything been done?

Rand Paul has made headlines about COVID and the vax. He even had Fauci on the stand denying gain-of-function research. Rand Paul has a letter written by Fauci telling scientists to continue with gain-of-function research, in the USA, while it was illegal. R.P. had the proof to put Fauci in jail, but he chose to make a lot of noise and not act.

I think it was Einstein who said “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

Keep voting. Don’t pay attention to the CFR.

By: Richard Rude Wed, 20 Mar 2024 20:10:10 +0000 In reply to BLSinSC.

The common denominator in all dystopian cities is Democrat control.

By: Old Fogey Wed, 20 Mar 2024 17:17:58 +0000 More than a decade ago, New Yorkers dressed down to reduce their target profile, eschewed eye contact to avoid triggering a drug-addled or unstable passer-by, wore street shoes outdoors to preserve their good shoes for work, and chose carefully the blocks on which they walked and the trains they rode. A lot of what’s wrong in Manhattan stems as much from the communications revolution of the 21st Century as from the upsurge of unassimilable alien “newcomers.” The fruits of our civilization are entropy and centrifugal force. Only Godly nuclear families will rescue our land and western civilization.

By: Joseph Gates Wed, 20 Mar 2024 14:25:23 +0000 In reply to Scott.

Naomi, I can tell you as a born and bred NYer that NY has most definitely lost its mojo and certainly its vitality. Gone are the days of what made NY an icon. It is nothing more than a totalitarian, leftist sh*thole. Naomi, the few NYers that are left donot refer to trains as subways.

By: Onzeur Trante Wed, 20 Mar 2024 14:16:02 +0000 Great essay by Naomi! Yes, the red heart “I Love New York” days are dead and gone.

Lived in NY for a decade and loved all it had to offer then from the mundane hustle and bustle to the ne plus ultra of culture on tap.

Haven’t been back to visit since Covid and indeed have no plans to do so. I love New York now in my memories only.

By: Alkflaeda Wed, 20 Mar 2024 13:42:06 +0000 When a caring professional takes on a client or pupil, it is for set sessions, with proper oversight, and appropriate self-care when not on duty. No serious professional thinks that inviting their clients to move into their home so that they no longer have a moment or a square inch to themselves will solve anything for anyone. And yet, this is what mass immigration as a solution to world poverty actually does. The people who were in a position to model and advise on healthy development are overwhelmed by their client groups to the point where they cannot sustain their own society, never mind helping anyone else. This kills the hen that was laying the golden eggs. How is it that we can still acknowledge personal boundaries as a good and wholesome thing, but not national ones?

By: Alkflaeda Wed, 20 Mar 2024 13:27:10 +0000 In reply to CraigAustin.

The problem with emancipatory movements is not that they are uncalled-for (how many people seriously think that women make worse doctors than men? yet medical practice has only been open to women since Elizabeth Blackwell in the 1850’s) but that they are self-perpetuating. So when all of the genuine grievances have been addressed, more demands are formulated, and the solutions become asymmetrical. This is as true for race and class as for gender. There may even have been a time when the UN was, overall, an influence for good; certainly there was a time when the unions dealt with real, rather than imagined, exploitation.
A perfect society, where everyone’s potential is fully realised, is not an option this side of Heaven. That doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t seek to be as helpful and as just as we can – but we can’t afford to live our entire lives off a Santa Claus wishlist. where everyone’s need is somehow met without the obligations that this entails becoming disproportionately burdensome for anyone.

By: groovygirl Wed, 20 Mar 2024 05:18:35 +0000 In reply to Grant Hodges.

And take the opportunity to tell friends and family about the Risen Christ, our mediator and advocate.

By: Tedf Wed, 20 Mar 2024 05:06:49 +0000 Our institutions for taking over by zombies / robots. Politicians solar souls on the Altar of Never Trump.

By: Andrew Blackadder Wed, 20 Mar 2024 04:29:09 +0000 Few articles have ever brought me to tears and this truthful telling did just that as I remembered arriving in NYC in 1983 as a young European, 34, with $27 in my pocket, clothes on my bag and knew nobody, mid January so snow on the ground and freezing cold.
I borrowed a bicycle for a guy at the International Hostel I stayed in on W88st and became a Bike Messenger for the next two years..
Loved the Big Apple heart and soul and then drove out to California.
I will always love New York City and today I cry for NYC just as I do for San Francisco the other City I love heart and soul.
None of this destruction of Western Culture is by accident, just look across the Pond, and though I am not a Christian I can see a Dark Demonic Force in play these days and it may take this Summer to complete its cycle.
