Comments on: What Time It Is Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out - David Horowitz Sat, 13 Jul 2024 13:29:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: patricia bowman Sat, 13 Jul 2024 13:29:51 +0000 As a 71 yr. old lie long practicing Christian I worked in aircraft simulation for over 40 yrs and retired in 2018. I knew the jab process was a COUP of my country Canada from the get go. I would not be silent. Many of my on line friends are no longer with us. The local health establishment treated me like a ward of the state and still does to this day. I have been active in e-mail campaigns to so called officials who are nothing short of belligerent bad actors involved in this attack on us all. I firmly believe the next lockdown they will come for me. They have built a “women’s center” to house ???? here in Montreal during the 2020/2023 lockdown. They are not going to stop. They have the hill in military terms. Just saying. Thanks for this. Be Blessed.

By: sjam Mon, 08 Jul 2024 12:59:56 +0000 In reply to Turtler.

Firstly I am Polish.

The fact that Poland ceased to exist after the invasion of Germany and the USSR is a historical fact. Just as Poland had ceased to exist for 123 years prior to its reconstitution in 1918. I am sure some Poles believed Poland was not lost during that time also.

What happened to the legitimate Polish government in Exile? It also ceased to exist and the Polish communist PKWN took power whilst the impotent “legitimate” Polish government in exile held power in London!

All mail out of Warsaw during WWII was never marked as sent from Poland it was always addressed as from Warschau, Generalgouvernement, Maps produced never feature the pre-war Polish state boundaries. I believe there was an American atlas published at the time where the German territories of former Poland were detailed not the pre-1939 boundaries.

As to the reconstituted post-war boundaries of the Polish State, the London based Polish Government in Exile could not even affect that. So much for their influence over the Allied Powers. They were always a fractious collection of competing interests. The majority of the “London Poles” want a return to the pre-war boundaries which even Sikorski (and Retinger) thought fanciful. Sikorski before his death had also made known he was in favour of reaching a territorial accommodation with Stalin which many were opposed to agreeing with.

Silesia was seen as incorporating industrial resources into post-war Poland however Poland could have left Auschwitz aside for Germany in some kind of extraterritorial arrangement. Which IMO it should have been.

By: ROY TREPANIER Mon, 08 Jul 2024 00:59:39 +0000 In reply to Lightringer.

Absolutely. And there is only one answer to make it easy for anyone. ‘Choose’ to believe in and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour and invite Him to take over your life and prepare you for an eternity with Him in a paradise you can’t even begin to imagine.
Yes, I said ‘choose’. Scripture says “Choose ye this day who you will follow: as for me and my house, we have chosen the Lord”. It really is up to you and time is running out. God gave mankind 6,000 years to ‘get it right’ and now time’s up !! That is why everything you are seeing today is insane and demonic.
“But I don’t believe the Bible” you say. Well, that’s a choice you made. Now simply make another choice to believe the Bible, believe in Jesus and He will take it from there. You only have to take the first step (believe) and He will do the rest in and through you by His Holy Spirit.
Give Him a call quickly. He has been wating to hear from you for a long time.
Rev. Roy……….<

By: Turtler Sun, 07 Jul 2024 21:24:59 +0000 In reply to sjam.

Firstly: The reason the Poles annexed Silesia and so on after the war was because the Soviet Union – who were their puppet masters and tyrants – dictated it. Nothing else even came close.

Secondly: There was indeed popular support in Poland for annexing it, unlike basically every other communist initiative, but after dealing with decades of German two faced mess and finally a genocidal dismemberment, who can blame them for wanting compensation and some safety buffer?

Finally: “ After the defeat of Poland in 1939 there was no Poland. That is fact.”

No, it is not, and this is a perverse and disgusting adoption of the Nazi perspective. It is all the more ironic you do so allegedly on behalf of Poles or a besmirching of their names (which is a real problem as Miss Gorska can attest). While Nazi tyrants could invade and declare whatever they wished by forced of violence, that did not make it right or correct or legitimate; the legitimate Polish Government in Exile proved this. As did the ancient slogan of “Poland is not yet lost.” Moreover, without understanding that the General Governate was built off of the artificially dismembered territory of Poland, it makes little sense why the Nazis had to deploy their troops to exterminate the “undesirables” that had been peacefully living in the land up to that point.

By: Dan #Schnittker Sun, 07 Jul 2024 20:06:00 +0000 In reply to Bern.

Many Reichstags. J 6 idiots walked right into it. Wise up.

By: James Bouryiotis Sun, 07 Jul 2024 14:34:29 +0000 Re. Bannon’s incarceration, what is being described is simply every correctional facility’s mode of functioning. I don’t see anything particularly unique in treatment of Bannon here. No prisoner has access to the internet, for obvious security reasons. As to following the election campaign–I presume he can watch the TV news, if not more alternate internet sources.

By: Peter Daniel Miller Sun, 07 Jul 2024 10:19:05 +0000 No sooner is Julian Assange released ( than Steve Bannon is imprisoned. Bannon was held ‘in Contempt of Congress’ — but something like 90 percent of the American people hold Congress in contempt. And Congress richly — no pun intended — deserves their contempt. If everyone who despises Congress and the rest of the WDC swamp-slime were to show up at Danbury, there’d be way too many to arrest. Perhaps that day will come, thanks to this call by Dr Naomi Wolf.

By: carpediadem Sun, 07 Jul 2024 08:09:18 +0000 In reply to Karren Mcglohn.

You could form a human rights group and target it to these cases.

By: carpediadem Sun, 07 Jul 2024 07:46:43 +0000 In reply to Gordon.

Stalin put people in jail. It was not “desperation”. It was power.
As it is now.

By: sjam Sun, 07 Jul 2024 06:23:36 +0000 In reply to Atikva.

Hitler’s Germany wanted its own Empire/Großgermanisches Reich alongside that of Great Britain. That Großgermanisches Reich was to be in the East with the subjugation of the uncivilized Slavs. There was no animus against the British Empire as long as Germany was allowed to create its Großgermanisches Reich. Hitler was an admirer of the British Empire – how a small island nation was able to control vast swaths of colonial territories – that he wanted to emulate in the East.
