Comments on: Try a Little Honesty About Israel Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out - David Horowitz Fri, 17 May 2024 14:23:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: sue Fri, 17 May 2024 14:23:24 +0000 In reply to Aslan.

Hello again Aslan. You speak of Jews praying “for Christians not to go to heaven”. And while I have no idea whether some do pray that, or not, it would seem a very odd prayer indeed in that don’t both Hebrew and Christian Greek Scriptures – Old and New Testament – tell us that it is here on the earth, on this lovely planet, that our Creator intends for us to live forever?

Jesus famously said that the meek would inherit “the earth” – the earth, not heaven. If he had meant heaven, wouldn’t he have said so? And when he said that he was simply confirming the promises in the Hebrew Scriptures.

For example, Psalm 37:29 says: “The righteous will possess the earth,
And they will live forever on it.”. So once again it is the earth where most of us are meant to live forever.

And Genesis tells us that our first parents were made to live forever on the paradise earth. They would only die if they chose to disobey their Creator and cut themselves – and us, their unborn children – off from their Creator, their Source of life. Sadly, they did so, and thus set in train this tragedy we are living in.

But our Creator, the God of Abraham, still holds out the hope to all of their damaged children (us) that we can live forever in the restored earthly paradise. I hope I will be there. I hope you will be. I hope we all will be.

But, given what the Inspired Scriptures say, why would anyone be praying that others not go to heaven, when it is here on the earth that we are made to live? To say the very least, it seems completely pointless.

By: angelo barbato Wed, 15 May 2024 09:31:00 +0000 These poetess are pure & simply Jew hatred.

By: Jeff Bargholz Wed, 15 May 2024 00:29:02 +0000 In reply to Charley.

The Book “From Time Immemorial” by Joan Peters is the best exposal of Psuedostinian lies.

By: Jeff Bargholz Wed, 15 May 2024 00:22:32 +0000 In reply to Aslan.

What do you pray to, Asshat? Satan, I figure.

By: Jeff Bargholz Wed, 15 May 2024 00:20:59 +0000 In reply to KC.

Yes, the Palestine Symphony, newspaper and whatnot were all Jewish. As if camel jockeys could come up with any of that.

By: Jeff Bargholz Wed, 15 May 2024 00:17:46 +0000 In reply to Aslan.

Yeah, but no Asshat.

Hadrian retaliated against Bar Kochba’s STUPID and futile rebellion and punished the Jews with their third and worst diaspora.

Hadrian renamed Judea as “Syria Palestina” after the extinct Jewish enemies, the Phillistines, as an insult.

There has never been a country of “Palestine,” Psuedostinians don’t speak Paleosimian, they have no cultural or ethnic history and can’t even pronounce the letter “P.”

Fuck those subhumans and fuck you.

By: NYgal Tue, 14 May 2024 23:34:03 +0000 In reply to Aslan.

What did Christians say about Jews during that time? Actually worse and they had the power to act upon it when Christianity became the official state religion.

By: Moeshiko Tue, 14 May 2024 21:48:48 +0000 Very well said!! Thank you!!

By: RS Tue, 14 May 2024 20:10:49 +0000 God is going to make Israel victorious over her enemies. It is written and it shall be done. In light of God’s unique purpose for Israel, (to glorify Himself before the world and bring blessing to the world through Israel, is was essential that God place the nation in a unique location where it would have attention and influence out of proportion to its size. God did exactly that. He gave Israel the Land of Canaan, perhaps the most strategic location in the world for attention and influence. Canaan is the crossroads to Asia, Africa, and Europe; and for centuries the major trade and military routes of the ancient world passed through that land.

Because of Israel’s location, the major world powers have had to deal with that nation. Moses clearly taught that God gave Israel the land, and it belongs to the Jewish people. Moreover, Israel’s ownership of the land doe not depend on the nation’s merit. Moreover, the fulfillment of Israel’s unique, God-ordained future requires that it own the land of Canaan forever. This is because the future involves Israel’s permanet restoration to that land. And in line with this requirement, God, through the Abrahamic Covenant, solemly guaranteed Israel’s permanent ownership of the land. Genesis 12:7; 13:14-15; 15:18-21; 17:8.”

We shall watch as the enemies try to take over that land to no avail. A two state solution is never going to work.

By: KC Tue, 14 May 2024 20:03:18 +0000 In reply to Aslan.

Arabs didn’t exist in 641AD. The first Koran is dated 653 AD and the Arab people were tribal that did not associate with each other prior to the formation of Islam. The word Palestinian means Jew. It’s ancient Greek from the Greek word for wrestler (palaistís). From the Jews’ origin story: Jacob wrestled with the angel who declared, “Your name shall be Is Ra El (Hebrew for ‘he wrestled with God’), Genesis 32-28. The Jerusalem Post was originally called The Palestinian Post as a reference to the Jews who created it. Palestinian rhymes with Corinthian and there’s no letter P in the Arabic alphabet.
