Comments on: Animal Farm Democrats Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out - David Horowitz Mon, 15 Jul 2024 01:14:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chutzpan Mon, 15 Jul 2024 01:14:51 +0000 It’s our job to help the left self-destruct by exposing (photo, quotes, and all) EACH leftist Trump hater who has incited for murder against Trump. Expose their exact words,of incitement, dog whistle words, slander and innuendo. SUCH AS HILLARY CLINTON -the one who 1st spoke about “Trump killing democracy” and other anti-Trump quotes with “assassinate” attributed to her. If EACH of them is exposed,, perhaps they (and others) might refrain from using the same gun-loaded words in the future, and it may perhaps be a disincentive for others to do so.
Even still, if these coup members dont inspire someone else (like a deranged psychopath) to do the dirty job for them, then people like Hillary (aka the Bodybag Queen) will have to use their own resources.

By: TRex Thu, 11 Jul 2024 11:46:28 +0000 In reply to charles wilkins.

I wish I shared your enthusiasm but I don’t think enough American voters know anything about policy to vote the issues. Elections are a personality contest. If you listen to the banter about the Democrats objectives they are solely focused on “beat Trump”. Aside from that, it’s “save our democracy!”. Political issues concerning the daily lives of Americans are no where to be found. Just the fact that so many people feel our “democracy” is in peril should tell you all you need to know about the IQ of far too many voters.

By: Jeff Bargholz Thu, 11 Jul 2024 11:12:14 +0000 In reply to aVoice.

Those are very good suggestions. Not that the RINOs will attempt to implement them. They’ve been informed of safeguards like that but still oppose it because they hate Trump and have no honor or integrity.

By: Jeff Bargholz Thu, 11 Jul 2024 10:59:48 +0000 In reply to steve van nuys.

Khlamydia Harris’s father was part black but he was mostly ethnic Irish. But yes, Heels Up Harris “ain’t black,” as racist Segregation Joe would say.

I’m glad to hear some blacks are pulling their heads out of the asses and realize Kamala Devi isn’t black. The smarter ones have also noticed the difference between the four golden years of Trump and how America is swirling down the metaphorical toilet bowl Under Alzheimer Jo’e handlers and the D-Bags in Congress.

By: Jeff Bargholz Thu, 11 Jul 2024 10:44:08 +0000 In reply to Leslie.

Yeah, Goebbels was an evil master at his craft. I forgot Stalin, too. I was thinking of him but had a brain fart and neglected his name.

Did you know even uber Dirtbagocrat George Clooney has turned on Alzheimer Joe? At a record breaking recent fundraiser, he and his fellow Hollywood ignorati saw up close and personal how demented Vegetable Joe is. He wrote a New Dork Slimes op-ed which calls for Joetard to be replaced by a different candidate. He couldn’t tell the truth about Alzheimer’s or any senility though, and blamed it on “age.”

Trump is only three years younger than Diaper Joe and he has the mental acuity and physical stamina of a young man. Bernard Lewis was one of the greatest scholars and historians in human history and he went out with his full wits about him at 101 years old. I saw a World War Two vet on Newsmax or Real America’s Voice the other day who was over a hundred, a hundred and two I think, and he was physically debilitated of course but his mind functioned excellently.

Yeah, if Hitler had been as mentally and physically compromised as Alzheimer Joe is, Goebbels would’ve been producing propaganda for his successor after he’d been summarily executed by his top officers.

By: Jeff Bargholz Thu, 11 Jul 2024 10:23:33 +0000 In reply to Grey Beard.

Yeah, cross eyed Bolshevik archers. They’d love to shoot arrows randomly into normal and productive people who don’t support them, or even their own supporters if it would increase their power and control.

By: TOM CHISHOLM Thu, 11 Jul 2024 06:37:05 +0000 So the Clinton wing of the Democrats has overtly turned on the Obama wing. I suspect/predict that the Clinton wing wants to keep Biden in to put the election debacle on the Obama wing, and then will rebuild the dems for Hillary 2028.

By: aVoice Thu, 11 Jul 2024 02:28:35 +0000 What if one’s vote actually counted and votes could not be easily cast fraudulently? Would such a protocol restore America’s confidence in the democratic process. It would not be difficult with “off the shelf technology, here’s how: A voter registration card with a serial number and picture, dedicated paper ballets made of a secure paper with a serial number hence not easily counterfeited, the ballet would be punched by machine and counted and votes submitted. The paper ballet could be readily verified and the tally could be verified quickly thus putting and end to accusations of fraud, dead people voting and inaccurate counts.

By: steve van nuys Wed, 10 Jul 2024 23:37:31 +0000 In reply to Genie.

The Democrats put the word out to their pocket Media to call her black because that would win the Dems more black votes. And she certainly *acted* black, being Willie Brown’s side-piece for years while Brown was mayor of San Francisco.
….No one in the Media bothered to explain to voters that Cackles’s mother was from India and her father was a white Jamaican. Hey, close enough, right? But in the nearly four years since this lie was hatched, many blacks have started to recognize it. And they are NOT happy.

By: Lightringer Wed, 10 Jul 2024 23:36:45 +0000 In reply to Genie.

I agree. Her only “black” credential is that her father’s family once owned black people. That might be sufficient for the Democratic Party and it might be sufficient for the idiot Americans they hold in thrall, but it is not sufficient for me.
