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It’s all out in the open now. The House voted 366-58 on Saturday to send $9.1 billion to Gaza, and that means $9.1 billion to Hamas. This isn’t the first time that the Biden regime has made clear which side it’s on, and it likely won’t be the last. But this time, Old Joe and his henchmen are getting some pushback.
The $9.1 billion is earmarked, of course, as “humanitarian assistance,” but that ruse is fooling fewer and fewer people. Just The News reported Friday that the bill is “under scrutiny” in the first place because the amount that Gaza will be getting is “significantly more than the annual gross domestic product of the Gaza Strip,” and no safeguards are in place to ensure that the money will not fall into the wrong hands: “critics say the U.S. is essentially funding Hamas through the bill.”
Officially, this massive cash outlay is for “Migration and Refugee Assistance” and “International Disaster Assistance.” It is so massive, in fact, that it is “more than four times the amount of the annual GDP in the Gaza Strip, which was about $2 billion last year, according to the United Nations.” The Gaza Strip is about to be awash in American money, and that means that even if Hamas has already burned through the $10 billion that Old Joe Biden and his henchmen sent to Hamas’ money men in Tehran last month, more billions are on their way.
The Biden regime doesn’t want you to worry about this. The bill “calls for the Secretary of State to establish oversight measures to ensure that the aid is not diverted by Hamas,” but really, what can he possibly do short of establishing an American military presence in Gaza? Hamas controls Gaza. There is no force in Gaza that is strong enough to stand up to Hamas. So provisos written into legislation drafted and passed in faraway Washington, D.C. is one thing, but the reality on the ground in Gaza is something else altogether, and the Biden regime must know that.
Morton Klein, President of the Zionist Organization of America, stated it plainly: “Biden and this administration knows that almost all of it,” that is, the aid, “is stolen by Hamas.” That leads to an inescapable conclusion: “We are funding Hamas. Do you realize the nightmare of this? We are funding Hamas with this 9 billion. What is wrong with this administration?”
Well, that last question would take longer to answer than there is space on the Internet, but Klein is right: the Biden regime is funding Hamas, which means that American taxpayers are getting soaked to provide for the upkeep of jihad terrorists. Klein also pointed out that by waiving sanctions on Iran and ensuring that billions flow into the mullahs’ coffers, the Biden regime was “funding the biggest funder of terrorism of Islamic terrorism in the world.”
Morton Klein was not alone in noticing where the money is going. Ramzi Awda, who as the secretary-general of the International Campaign to Combat the Occupation and Apartheid is no friend of Israel, said that an “armed militia of Hamas” steals the aid that comes into Gaza. He added: “Most of the aid is being stolen – over 60% or 70% of the aid goes to the warehouses of some movements, some factions, some tribes.” Hamas jihadis, he says, then “re-sell the products to the people at exorbitant prices.”
Klein concluded: “This administration should be ashamed of themselves for funding Hamas and the biggest funder of terrorism in the world, Iran. It’s just mind-boggling.” Yes indeed, Mr. Klein, but for Biden regime wonks to be ashamed of themselves, they would have to be capable of shame. If anything is clear from the tragicomedy of the last three years, it is that shame is not a concept with which regime apparatchiks are familiar. They maintain with a straight face that men can become women, that these pretend women should be able to compete in women’s sports, even though they make women’s sports a mockery. They claim that the Southern border is secure. They insist that Old Joe Biden is energetic and sharp as a tack, leaving people who are decades younger exhausted after trying to keep up with his whirlwind of activity. Shame? The Biden regime doesn’t know the meaning of the word.
Spurwing plover says
Whom ever is funding Hamas should be arrested and jailed for Life
Jeff Bargholz says
Eh. Why waste the money. Just drop them naked in Gaza.
Moshe says
This $9 billion dollar appropriation is just more vote buying by Biden in Hamas dominated Michigan. You can be sure that Biden and the Democrats threatened to withhold aid from Israel to ram this appropriation through.
Phenry says
ya not me… not my government anymore, not paying taxes.
David Ray says
You can’t do that!
Hamas needs your money. The illegal invaders need your money. Giving free room & board, free phones, food stamps, free travel & importing new jihadists from Gaza costs money – a LOT of money.
Maliciously prosecuting patriots & Trump isn’t cheap & activist judges & lawyers need to be paid.
And as you’ll recall, the Tsarnaev brothers used their welfare to train for jihad in Chechnya & buy pressure cookers.
Waging jihad costs money, so let’s all dig deep for the cause ✊️.)
Also; The Clinton Holyland Foundation is on life-support after the seething bitch lost the election, so please – make a generous donation. 🤮
Timothy Geithner says
Hey. Only I get to shrug off paying taxes.
You gotta love the irony. For not paying taxes to the IRS, instead of being jailed, I was made Treasury Secretary that runs the IRS.
I then enabled Lois Lerner to coordinate with Obama to intimidate, and prosecute conservatives (Tea Party, Gibson Guitar, etc).
She did all that on a $140,259 salary – paid for by you, to be harassed by her.
She did sorta have to plead the 5th for her nefarious harassment of right-wing scumbags, but unlike Peter Navarro, she wasn’t arrested, she was generously rewarded. (How’s a jaw-dropping $129,000 bonus sound?)
Now I have to finish reading a book hyperventilating over how Nixon tried to use the IRS (a single time) to audit a political rival.
It has a happy ending – Nixon was audited instead.
Jeff Bargholz says
Hamas wages a jihad against colleges in major blue cities and is rewarded for it with 9.1 billion. As if we needed further proof that the administration and Congress are anti-American. Anti-human in this case.
john blackman says
the great satan has doled out taxpayers money to a terrorist entity . i will be waiting to see if they return the cheque . meanwhile returned veterans get nothing and if they do it will be to buy artwork to hang in bureaucrat offices . read , [ art from the swamp ] by bruce cole . america is doomed . all thanks to feckless dementia patient empty suit joe . to think that anyone in america apart from democrats and that is dubious , voted for him and still clap him when he gives an incoherent word salad speech . with all of trumps faults and failings on his worst day is better than dementia joe on his best . unfortunately americans via fraudulent means and the MSM will put him back into a second term . it seams that voters in the u.s. are oblivious to the fate that awaits them .
Don Davenport says
Israeli politicians were fools to surrender Gaza. It was a beautiful fertile land under the Jews. Now its nothing more than a sharia shit hole.
Everything Islam touches turns to death and destruction.
RS says
For Sure…Its a desolate wasteland under Hamas. Without the Jewish people to maintain this land, the Arabs would destroy it. THE TRUTH IS SO OBVIOUS.
sumsrent says
Where’s my comment? There was nothing foul about what I said… to make you delete it.
Your Moderator may not agree with what I stated… but that’s no grounds for removal.
This is the 2nd time, that I know of that this has happened…
I have an automatic monthly PayPal donation to Front Page Magazine… that I will stop if this happens once more !!!
RS says
Israel has maintained their land, prayed there and practiced Judeaism, they are skilled in agriculture, technology, modern medicine, and identity of slimy crawling entities that plot and plan their demise. They are productive and innovative, something we can never say about Hamas and the Islamic radicals who can’t take a barren land and make it a thriving and blooming nation. Prime Minister Netanyahu has the weight of protecting his people on his shoulders….Its a Time and a Half Job with adversaries on every side. The pagans that surround Israel have sworn to drive the Jews into the sea, that fact should make all people stand up against anti-semetism and support Israel, because its going to eventually hit us all.
Domenic Pepe says
Islam must be removed, banned, and outlawed from America.
It is not a religion.
Islam is a depraved psychopathic murderous berserk cult that stands for the exact opposite of American
Freedom and Liberty and the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Islam is the enemy of America and US citizens, as well as the leftist democrat party,
and Mexico which is sponsoring and facilitating
the INVASION of America with millions and hordes of illegal aliens,
and Mexico is murdering more than 100,000 US citizens every year with Mexican manufactured
Islam and Mexico are the two greatest enemies of America and US citizens.
America and US citizens must recognize this fact and immediately take decisive action to crush these insidious enemies.
Thomas Hulting says
WHERE do you suppose that Joe “Brandon” Biden will spend his ETERNITY?
Scob says
While we’re condemning Biden and his flunkies for funding Islamic terrorism, let’s not overlook the complicity of the treasonous congressional Republicans. They’re worse than useless.
danknight says
Demokkkrats are the enemy. RINOs are the KKKapos.
Americans are the good guys … and they are Israel’s allies. Even the polls agree, which is amazing.
Have we figured that out yet?
Jeff Bargholz says
RINOs as Kapos. That’s an apt comparison.