WE have counterparts in AU ,all of the same ILk {{{{{DEMS = LABOR NO u }}}} } same horse , just different Jockeys
A couple years ago when that high level China CCP fellow loudly announced to the World that they have people in the highest ranks of American government, little did we know then he was talking about Joe Biden.
They are called 3rd world nation jails. Two distant relatives spent time there including one on Las Tres Islas.
The DC jails are not one iota better than any 3rd world country jail.
Justice here has died. The dude appears impeachable.
Biden is the “lap dog” and “useful idiot” of Xi Jinping ,who will use him as his stooge and tool to achieve all of this goals.
Biden has such a strong admiration for Red China that he even has his Beijing type political prison in Washington DC which must obviously be modeled on how Communist China mistreats and abuses its own political prisoners.
For in the Biden gulag the American patriots falsely arrested in that leftist set up gets worse, those the patriots are kept 23 hours alone in single dark moldy cells to not working plumbing, and this means not even a working toilet. They are also given little food and the little they do receive is of very poor quality. In other words the food is terrible, they are also denied proper medical care, no matter how much anyone on them might desperately need it.
This is like the political prison in Communist China. So it’s no wonder that Joe Biden likes Red China and have many of his polices favoring that Red tyranny.
About such corrupt activities, the Bible reads ” The wicked accept bribes in secret to pervert the course of justice.”
Proverbs 17:23. [N. I. V.]