In this new episode of The Daily Objective show, Director of the Ayn Rand Centre (UK), Razi Ginzberg, joins James Valiant to discuss the broad influence of Islamic theology and culture on Hamas’ terror against Israel.
Don’t miss it!
In this new episode of The Daily Objective show, Director of the Ayn Rand Centre (UK), Razi Ginzberg, joins James Valiant to discuss the broad influence of Islamic theology and culture on Hamas’ terror against Israel.
Don’t miss it!
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A Project of the David Horowitz Freedom Center
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Hey ADL they have a Swatika what’s you going to Say?
Barbara says
The Nazi’s swastika is the logo of Hamas indicating the two have the same ideology.
Mo de Profit says
Anything referencing Rand has lost credibility for me since a certain commentator. And the first few minutes of this video shows the guy on the left talking with similar religious verve.