Comments on: How to Deal With Campus Mayhem Caused by Pro-Hamas Mobs Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out - David Horowitz Mon, 20 May 2024 13:15:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sunface Jack Mon, 20 May 2024 13:15:23 +0000 “Goebbels would have been so proud of the pro-Hamas agitators immersed in anti-Semitic propaganda who have turned many campuses across the country into sites of pogroms against Jewish students who support Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state.”

You are very correct Joseph Klein, except it was Marxist students who did the pogroms and we had exactly the same tactic used in South Africa against the white population who became the scapegoats for “Apartheid.”.
All whites were targeted irrespective of religious persuasion. We were all ostracised by the international community and the fanning of flames by the MSM. Not all whites wanted the legalised persecution used by the British who actually started race segregation.
like Israel is now the target of the British creation of the Muslim Brotherhood. South African religious communities like the Afrikaners too wanted separated communities to exist as a God fearing state.
The French Huguenots and Dutch Calvinist sympathisers fled to South Africa to escape the British and French Catholics and religious persecution.

Why do you think Israel is being called an Apartheid Regime? They are trying to associate you and call you racists. The Neo-liberal Marxists weaponised the words, just like Zionism is now weaponised by the same forces and all Jews are targeted who have been scapegoats for centuries..

By: Tionico Thu, 09 May 2024 23:06:40 +0000 In reply to Alkflaeda.

Interesting and fun history of he criossant. Thanks.

Al of which helps explain the long hisory of croissants being paired up with COFFEEEEE!!!

A bit MORE history here: it was the reclaiming if Vienna by some European armies (Tyrol and Germany, if memory serves) which resulted in “the Fall of Vienna” in 11 September of sixteen something or other, that led directly to one of their number, who had spent considerable time travelling and trading with moslems and thus was introduced to coffee nd its preparation, who ended up ideitifying a large stre f green coffee beans in a storage area of a building in Vienna. The successful European invaders were dividing up the spoils they were finding, none knew wht those funny small brown things were, the livestock would not touch it, so that was it? OH, maybe THIS guy knows. He did. They offered to let him take ll of it, nd the tools for roasting brewing serving, as his part of the spoils. He did.. and THAT was how coffee came into the western cutlure. It also explains the pairing of the croissant and coffee, nd the deep appreciation for both in Austria and in particular Vienna.

Betchya didn’t know bout all that, didjya? You’re welvome….. can’t recall the chaps name… but the story is deeply embedded now into my own DNA.

By: Alkflaeda Thu, 09 May 2024 20:23:15 +0000 Getting their hummus from Hamas is just not enough – they need to ban croissants as well. Croissants (German kipferls) were first made in Vienna in 1683 following the siege of Vienna by the Ottoman Empire, which generously offered euthanasia to non-Muslims. And the ungrateful Viennese not only rejected this kind and heartfelt offer and repelled the philanthropists who were making it, but they even mocked the Islamic crescent moon symbol by baking celebration pastries in the same shape once their benefactors had departed.
There is a wonderful Mako IL You Tube video in which a spoof phone-call is made to Yale to rebuke them for caving in to student demands to remove Israeli couscous from the menu, and they are also advised that the Hebrew lettering on their coat of arms is an Israeli cultural asset.

By: john blackman Thu, 09 May 2024 10:32:00 +0000 tear gas is the great leveller . why wrestele with low life when you can disperse them so easily . take off their masks , find out if they are actually students if they arent take their photo jail them or in the case of overseas malingerers send them packing . confiscate their bank account , get them to pay for damage and their airfare out of the u.s. but considering cackleoharris said of BLM and ANTIFA they have to demonstrate and should not stop burning murdering and pillaging i very much doubt any one will do anything to hold these terrorists to account . considering 81 mill. voted for the current band of fraudulent miscreants and the pathological lying criminal empty suit who currently thinks hes the president i somehow dont think anything will change . the great satan is going down in a flaming heap . equivocation , !! definitely .

By: Mo de Profit Thu, 09 May 2024 06:25:26 +0000 Here’s another way. Tell them that they cannot wear a mask and they might catch a cold. That’ll scare the crap out of them.
