Comments on: Denouncing Israel for Rescuing its Hostages Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out - David Horowitz Tue, 18 Jun 2024 03:34:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Logan Matthew Teague Tue, 18 Jun 2024 03:34:49 +0000 In reply to Aslan.

Meh. I just remember a line from a (fictional) book I read, in which the narrator said ‘The only way to achieve peace in the Middle East would be to kill every man, woman, and child in it. Just end all the feuds and disputes right there, and repopulate the land with new people. Now I’m not ADVOCATING for this, mind you-I’m just saying that everyone who claims to want peace in the Middle East is wasting their time. Because everyone over there-Jew, Muslim, Christian, other-ALL of them are crazy ragheads. The place just does that to people.’

By: Daniel Sun, 16 Jun 2024 20:21:38 +0000 In reply to Aslan.

Askan you are either a member of Hamas or you forgot to take your meds today!

By: Dr. Larry Sun, 16 Jun 2024 20:12:29 +0000 In reply to Aslan.

Sounds good to me. What’s your problem?

By: Judith Sun, 16 Jun 2024 19:02:24 +0000 If anyone was aiding in preventing the rescue of Israelis hostages…they are not innocent civilians…anyone who aids terrorists Muslim, Catholic, ir say other terrorists is guilty of terrorism…Northern Ireland had the same problem.

By: Judith2 Sun, 16 Jun 2024 19:01:42 +0000 If anyone was aiding in preventing the rescue of Israelis hostages…they are not innocent civilians…anyone who aids terrorists Muslim, Catholic, ir say other terrorists is guilty of terrorism…Northern Ireland had the same problem.

By: Aslan Sat, 15 Jun 2024 17:35:44 +0000 In reply to sumsrent.

Thanks and to all best to hear from all sides. In LIBYA ( in 2011 the same year they began the war in Syria ) the war criminals called Hillary Clinton,Obama, Biden and Jake Sullivan,those Globalists, plus NATO,

also gave aid to AL-QAIDA and like-minded groups to overthrow Kaddafi.

In a WIKILEAKS leak( 3,000 Hillary emails ) emails showed that Libya’s plan to create a GOLD BACKED currency,backed by 143 tons of Libyan gold,and 143 tons of Libyan silver ,

for the more than 50 African nations,a common African currency for all, to

replace the dollar for use among Africans was the motive for NATO’s intervention. The emails also tell us about:

admissions of rebel war crimes,

special ops trainers inside Libya from NEARLY the START of protests,

Al Qaida embedded in the U.S. backed opposition,

Western nations wanting access to Libyan oil,

and the VIAGRA MASS RAPE claim to be false but all the same U.S. Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice made a formal charge against Libya in front of the UN Security Council claiming otherwise.

Before 2011 Libya was the MOST advanced country in Africa,its people never emigrated, they lived well. And in 2003 Kaddafi admitted to having a secret NUCLEAR arms program and agreed to give it up. He dismantled it.

That and much more is why the Globalists have ASSANGE in prison,not because he committed a crime but because he exposed their crimes.

By: sumsrent Sat, 15 Jun 2024 13:31:27 +0000 In reply to Aslan.

You’re on top of things like no other… good job…

However… the Luciferian Globalist government of America supports Sunni Islam… which means… they are against Shiite Iran…

Also… The Shia do look for a leader… it’s called the 12th Iman… the Mahdi…

Except… the Mahdi must be a blood descendant of mushammad…

The Sunni expect a Caliph… the leader of the Caliphate… the Ummah… the body of muslims…

Shiite = Mahdi

Sunni = Caliphate

Saddam and Ghadaffi were eliminated because of their Pan Arab and Pan African ideologies… they were setting themselves up as Caliphs… and needed to be killed…

Assad in Syria was Shiite… and America was funneling weapons to ISIS in Syria…through Benghazi… <<< Evidence of how America supports the Sunni…

Keep up the good work!

By: sumsrent Sat, 15 Jun 2024 13:20:28 +0000 In reply to Eva.

Yeah… many don’t realize that when the National Homeland for the Jews was established in Israel in 1922… right after World War One…

Israel then negotiated with this terrorist filth by giving away all of the Jordan for peace… which never happened…

They call these wars… the Arab/Israeli wars… but they aren’t anything of the sort… it’s all deceiving… they are Islamist/Israeli Wars…

The real issue everyone needs to ask is…

Why does the masses hate the Jews?

And why are the masses of Americans supporting these Fake Palestinians in Gaza?

See… America has been always backstabbing Israel…

By: Aslan Sat, 15 Jun 2024 11:02:25 +0000 In reply to Aslan.

Back to GADI EISENKOT,until like yesterday he was Head of the War Cabinet in Israel. And about ISIS. Do you know how many WESTERNERS have been killed by ISIS

outside of Syria and Iraq?

100? 300? 500?

No, it was 1,200 killed by suicide bombers. By ISIS and its caliph al-Baghdadi. Allied with Al-Qaida in Syria,announced by the caliph in 2013, at one time ISIS controled 60% of Iraq and 40% of Syria. ISIS was created in 2010.

GADI EISENKOT is the creator of the DAHIYA doctrine (2006) used by the Israeli army.

In the Gaza war his SON has been killed (25 years old) and also his NEPHEW.

And he was Head of the IDF (Israeli Defense Force),its army, under Netanyahu from

2015-2019. Last year 2023 Eisenkot admitted the real nature of OPERATION GOOD NEIGHBOR (2016-2018) (under Netanyahu). To the Sunday Times,and in other interviews.

During that period do you know who CONTROLED the south of Syria?It was Al-Qaida. Operation Good Neighbor gave medical aid to 6,800 Syrians,and 4,000 of them were sent to hospitals inside ISRAEL. When they recovered they went back to Syria.Those 4,000 were AL-QAIDA soldiers who then returned to fight,terrorists. Whose ideology is the destruction of Israel.

Eisenkot also admitted that Israel had sent MONEY and ARMS to Al-Qaida.

And that it had military helped Al-Qaida by AIR STRIKES against anti-ISIS and anti-Al-Qaida soldiers in Syria. The Syrian government says it was 1,000. Eisenkot first said 200,then 400.

How many civilians have been killed in Syria called the ”Syrian Civil War”? According to the UN: 306,000. By a war where the US gave arms and money to terrorists,helped by Qatar,Saudi Arabia,Turkey,Israel. Evil incarnate.

By: sumsrent Sat, 15 Jun 2024 03:30:26 +0000 In reply to Roark.

And you’re falling into your own “psychological ploy”… and traps…

They are NOT Arabs !!! They are satanic worshiping muslims…

An Arab could be a Christian…
