Comments on: Why is Trump Drawing Black Male Voters? Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out - David Horowitz Thu, 06 Jun 2024 11:57:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: CowboyUp Thu, 06 Jun 2024 11:57:05 +0000 In reply to Andrew Blackadder.

Even if the cop doesn’t have a good reason, the place to fight them is in court. Dad always said if a cop or warden has to use more than his badge to gain compliance, you’re wrong.

By: Beez Wed, 05 Jun 2024 01:17:34 +0000 Because the wise know they have an economic interest in the election outcome. Same as everyone.

By: Ralph Evans Tue, 04 Jun 2024 19:49:28 +0000 In reply to donna sherwood.

There is also something that everyone seems to be avoiding.
The Black and Hispanic cultures are Macho, not as in chauvanistic but
Gay LGBTPervert doesn’t play well there.

By: JLG Tue, 04 Jun 2024 16:57:03 +0000 Legend’s sits on a net worth of $100 million, so why wouldn’t he believe all is well? This is so transparently obvious that to comment beyond what the writer said seems unnecessary. Instead, I was most struck by the implications in the following passage in the article: “. . . Legend, like the left in general, believes that traditional masculinity, which emphasizes stoic strength, competitiveness, and a sense of adventure, is a socially-constructed mask that boys and young men have imposed on them, stifling their true nature – which is feminine.”
This suggests the Left, generally, not only wants to erase women from being a distinct gender – hence the push for “gender affirming care”, the demand that men claiming to be women be allowed to compete in women’s sports, change in women’s locker rooms and even be jailed together (with disastrous consequences for women, as recently seen in California)- but also want men who decide not to go full transgender to become feminized. Is this how the Left will obliterate the distinction between the sexes?

By: Andrew Blackadder Tue, 04 Jun 2024 06:29:57 +0000 Before Trump ran for Office he was filmed in Trump Tower on 5th Ave NYC with Snoop Doggie Dude having his arm around the shoulder of Trump saying to the camera..”This here is ma main man ya,ll” and then once Trump got into the White House the same Rapper made a video of shooting Trump with a fake, ”bang” Gun and now fast forward to today and we see Snoop Doggie Crap has jumped back onto the Trump Camp because Trump got his gangster buddy out of the Joint.
Donald J. Trump will help the Negro in America learn that success is the best revenge and stop blaming everybody else for the situation they find themselves in every day as I never see any white guys running into the Projects and shooting folks..
More white guys are shot by Cops and some of those Cops were black and some blacks guys shot by Cops were also black Cops.
If the Police Officer asks you to get out of the Car then get out of the Car as he must have a good reason for asking this.
Comply and you wont die… Simple logic.
”First we have to clean up the neighborhood”… Malcolm X… and look what they did to him..

By: Chaya Tue, 04 Jun 2024 01:21:49 +0000 In reply to donna sherwood.

I remember some of that flashy period too.
I met Trump in 2015, just by accident like other NYers have, and he spent time chatting with me. He was so nice, great listener, polite, soft spoken and I was impressed and surprised by his brilliance. At that time, he looked very youthful, slim. His skin is a gorgeous porcelain (I’m not sure where about all that “orange” business came from). I sensed his great confidence and ambition. But i had no idea that he would be president and so historical.

By: Rob A Mon, 03 Jun 2024 23:38:54 +0000 In reply to SPURWING PLOVER.

And it was the democrats who created the KKK and lynched black men for entertainment at weekend picnics. Even today the dems still treat the majority of blacks as if they’re subhuman and incapable of intelligence beyond that of a child.

For example: why is it that no other ethnic group in America has or needs a leader to speak for them except blacks? And the so-called leaders that speak for blacks are all very well paid democrat party shills?

It’s as if every black person born in America gets “Property of the Democrat Party” stamped on their birth certificate. Moreover, God help them if they dare to think for themselves and to democrats to go eff themselves.

In America today, black people are still treated as if they “owned” and are not allowed to disobey the dictates of the democrat party lest they be the subject of a “hi-tech” lynching. Just ask SCJ Clarence Thomas or Dr. Thomas Sowell or Dr. Ben Carson, et al.

By: WhiteHunter Mon, 03 Jun 2024 22:41:33 +0000 I am bewildered why any thinking black American fellow U.S. Citizen would not be as pro-Trump as I am, although the swiftly growing number of black pro-Trump men is very encouraging; it ought to be, and I hope will soon become, 75% instead of the 30% that current polls show.

I especially like their inspired new slogan and shout (starting, surprisingly, among those Rappers who have come to their senses): BLACK MAGA! If that Movement produces a black baseball cap with that slogan on it, I’ll buy one and wear it proudly and defiantly (despite the risk and danger of doing so in public), alternating it with my standard, traditional red MAGA cap, as I especially enjoy doing while walking “North of the DMZ” through Harvard Square.

My black Brothers and Sisters, join us in MAGA! Our arms are open to welcome you in our common fight to save our nation!

By: RAM Mon, 03 Jun 2024 20:56:31 +0000 In reply to Dan Schnittker.


By: donna sherwood Mon, 03 Jun 2024 18:37:31 +0000 ha ha. trump was wildly popular with black men. In the 70s when he first came into public consciousness my mother and i used to fight about him pre political days. she was mesmerized i thought he was too flashy and crass. A thing that drove me NUTS were front page articles with pictures of men in black hoods in NYC waxing euphoric of their appreciation of him. One esp annoying a guy on 125th st. at trump’s cadillac telling reporter “he is my kind of man” Daily news of the time. She was right I stand corrected. I can’t believe i still recall this and frankly was quite surprised at the poor showing he made with black men in ’16 and ’20. Hope that is not the case this time around. if he was good enough for mrs. reagan, nixon and the queen he is alright by me.
