Comments on: This Means War – Civil War Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out - David Horowitz Sat, 08 Jun 2024 21:25:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gary Hope Sat, 08 Jun 2024 21:25:25 +0000 How can I delete my last comment or edit it?

By: Gary Hope Sat, 08 Jun 2024 20:58:29 +0000 If the dims are dumb enough to start an armed civil war,….they will lose. The true Americans, Republicans have more guns and know how to use them and are more determined to not put with anymore treasonous BS from the dumb DimOHKraps.
Bring it on Dim A Holes.

By: Kenny Sat, 08 Jun 2024 16:24:36 +0000 In reply to Michelle.

Hi Michelle,

I hope you don’t mind, but I do have another recommendation for you: I don’t know if you know Naomi Ragen, the Israeli writer? She has a war diary going over at her website, which I must also recommend. It is at naomiragen dot com.

Best wishes,


By: Kenny Sat, 08 Jun 2024 16:04:57 +0000 In reply to Michelle.

If I can’t persuade you to read my book, “The Road to Gomorrah,”
then perhaps you would be interested in something else? I recently downloaded a Kindle book that provides the reader with several ways to defend themselves against the woke mind virus.

I take the view nowadays that we are all in the same boat, and we need to make each other aware of any ways we find that we can use to defend ourselves against the enemies of humanity.

So I recommend this other book, to anyone reading this.

It talks about this continual use of “race” to attack people and to put everyone into groups, which are then controlled by the powers-that-be, it talks about multiculturalism, about unconscious bias (very interesting) and the overuse of ineffective medications to drug people up after they are diagnosed with made-up illnesses.

Oh and there’s a chapter about white Europeans being held as slaves by Mohammedans on the Barbary coast in North Africa – a trade that went on for hundreds of years. That’s interesting too.

It also says that Christians who accept this concept of “white guilt” are essentially saying that Jesus only died for some of their sins, bu the did not die for all of their sins, and that He needs to be put back up on the cross so He can be crucified again!

Lots of interesting stuff in this one. So if the second world war is not your thing, give that one a try – I’ve just finished it & I can recommend it.

Its called “Living In A Salt Land” by Andrew Sittason, & it’s on Amazon.

Well worth a read, I’d say.

Best wishes & take care of yourself,


By: Kenny Sat, 08 Jun 2024 15:50:56 +0000 In reply to Michelle.

Good afternoon Michelle,

Thank you for your response. I hope you can see where I’m coming from now. You will have read the paragraph from my book about the anti-Christ nature of the National Socialist regime. (That was all I thought I could get away with in a book in the “military history” genre.)

I also go over the establishment of the Einsatzgruppen in May of 1939, and their operations in Poland during what the British think of as the “phoney war” – the use of the Sonderfandungsbuch to identify potential troublemakers, and so forth. I give a specific example of a district in Bydgoszcz being “pacified” by Einsatzgruppe IV just a week after the invasion began, and I mention incidents where the Wehrmacht also acted in a most brutal fashion towards the Poles. (In doing so, I rely on work done in this area by Martin Gilbert, Richard Evans and Alexander Rossino.)

Your point about the problems one can have reading about history is well taken. Many’s the time I have been reading a “mainstream” history book, and I have found myself wondering why the authors aren’t telling people what really went on, or why they are presenting such poor arguments in an effort to explain what happened.

I can personally attest to one instance where the official records in the American archives had been doctored to remove a certain passage. When I came upon the scanned version of the original document elsewhere in another archive – there was the missing paragraph! (To give one example of what can happen.)

This sort of thing is part of the reason why I decided to write my own book. I had been reading through all of the aforementioned archives (as well as the records of the Nuremberg trials) and decided to write a book and say some things that had never been said, and use some sources that had never been used, in any of the history books that I had read. So I had to market it as a military history book – but I think that it’s a slightly unusual piece of work, written not by a professional “historian” but by a retired engineer with a philosophy degree, who only decided to put pen to paper after being diagnosed with the big C in his old age! So I’m coming at it from a different angle than your everyday, professional “historian.”

cont . . .

By: Kenny Sat, 08 Jun 2024 15:49:58 +0000 In reply to Michelle.

. . . cont

One of the people who sent in a review of the book said that “I learned a lot – I had no idea about much of what had been written, and it’s changed my views of the war, and of Britain’s role in it.” Another reviewer said, “I thought that I knew a great deal about this period of the war, but I was wrong, and I am grateful to the author for producing such an accomplished book.”

As I noted elsewhere on this thread, I believe that the book could be used as a starting point in a defence of Israel’s conduct during the war with Hamas. Anyone who is familiar with Machiavelli’s work, who knows about some of the decisions that Churchill (and Roosevelt) made during the second world war, will find all the hand-wringing and wailing about what’s happening in Gaza to be utterly pathetic. These snowflakes call it “virtue-signalling” – well, they need to be educated about what “virtue” really is!

Machiavelli said that a political leader must have “virtue” and that doing what was “not good” in order to “maintain his state” was in fact a sign that they had “virtue”!

This is the exact opposite of what the snowflakes believe!

Are you sure I can’t persuade you to read the book? I really think you could get something from it. I’m not chasing after sales here. Obviously, given my background, I didn’t write the book for the big royalty cheques (LOL) – to be honest with you, when I was in the hospital I promised myself that if I got out, I would get the book written, and get it out there as a corrective to some of the lies we are all expected to believe in, about war, about life, and about ourselves. With this war going on in Gaza right now, following the casus belli on October 7th last year, the book could also be used to help arm ourselves, as we strive to “have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.” (Ephesians 5:11 NKJV)

By: Michelle Sat, 08 Jun 2024 08:27:52 +0000 In reply to Michelle.

Kenny You have drowned this page, and I cannot reply to any of your many comments (thank God!). I apologize if I upset you as IMO I was a little rude, but I still stick with what I posted, and your “straw man” point applies equally as much to your as it does to me.

Frankly I no longer trust most “reliable sources” on WW2 now as with >95% of Historians being Leftist, let alone the bureaucrats responsible for the documents, so many have been “edited or censored” and that includes official allied documents.

I hope that your book does well, but my current interests now lie far away from WW2 and life is far too short.

By: Kenny Sat, 08 Jun 2024 00:59:16 +0000 In reply to Michelle.

As to what you said about the Germans meaning what they said when they were meeting with the Poles about the fate of Danzig, and building a road to connect East Prussia with the rest of Germany – before March 31st 1939.

Read what I have actually said.

Draw up a timeline.

Notice anything?

You’ve just conceded that what I am saying is correct.

Read the book – you’ll see!

By: Kenny Sat, 08 Jun 2024 00:02:53 +0000 In reply to Sjam.

You may be interested in knowing that as part of the research for my book, I managed to track down a letter from Owen O’Malley to Anthony Eden, which talks at length about the Katyn forest massacre, and the British government’s role in covering it up. I quote from this document at some length in my book.

Also from the book:

The actions of the German forces in western Poland were widely reported in the British press. On 30th November, General Sikorski, the head of the Polish government in exile, was quoted in the Nottingham Journal as saying:

The unrestrained violence with which the Germans made war on Poland in September aroused the indignation of the civilised world. Never had anyone acted with such savagery towards a disarmed people against whom guns, machine guns, incendiary bombs and bombs were used. One would have thought that on the day when the Germans imposed their yoke on Poland they would be glutted with blood and cruelty. Far from it. From every part of occupied Poland where the German authorities speak so freely of honour and justice and where the Gestapo and the storm troopers reign, reports reach us which fill us with horror. Never a day passes, whether in Warsaw, Gdynia, Bydgoszcz, Poznan, Katowice or Cracow, that individual or mass executions do not take place, that people are not expelled from their homes and their property pillaged or confiscated, and that individuals are not brutalised so that the Germans well merit the name of ‘butchers’ which has been given them. Not within memory, never in the worst moment of the most horrible wars have such atrocities been committed as are occurring daily in Poland.”35

The records in the National Archives for 16th November 1939 show that Sikorski told Halifax that some people were being forced to evacuate their homes at 24 hours’ notice so that incoming Germans could take over their properties, some were being forced to take refuge in marshes and forests and many of the leading Poles had simply been shot.36

The British government may have been aware of what was happening in the occupied territory, but they did nothing to help the Polish people.

Duthie, Kenneth. The Road to Gomorrah: Britain’s War 1939-1943 (pp. 28-29). Kenneth Duthie. Kindle Edition.

By: Kenny Fri, 07 Jun 2024 23:55:41 +0000 In reply to Daniel Greenfield.

If you are aware of any sources showing that it was “a fundamental goal” of the National Socialists to “seize control of Poland by one means or another” before March 31st 1939, then I would be quite interested in knowing about that. Perhaps these sources would also help to clarify exactly what is meant by “seize control” and “by one means or another.”

The argument in the book is that Chamberlain’s false, worthless promise to the Poles only made it more likely – not less – that Germany would decide to “seize control of Poland” and that they would use one particular means to do it: military force.

If Chamberlain hadn’t done that – or if as Lloyd George and Archibald Sinclair told him, he had formed an alliance with the Soviets beforehand, instead of trying to do so afterwards, then who knows what would have happened.

But Chamberlain did what he did, and as Churchill himself said when he was writing the first volume of his history of the war years later: “No one who understood the situation could doubt that it meant in all human probability a major war, in which we should be involved” and that this war “must surely lead to the slaughter of tens of millions of people.”

Are we in the same position today? Is the incompetent blundering, the interfering in other country’s affairs, of these crazy politicians, going to lead us all down the same path?
