Comments on: Democrats Disrespect D-Day Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out - David Horowitz Thu, 13 Jun 2024 02:49:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Funny Mon, 10 Jun 2024 01:48:38 +0000 In reply to Turtler.


You need to do your research going back to 1991 where it all began.

1. The United States President Bush and Secretary of State Baker promise not to expand NATO eastward once Russia which was in the process of disbanding the Warsaw Pact withdrawing hundreds of thousands of Russian soldiers from Eastern Europe, returning freedom to those countries, getting rid of communism and putting a free market capitalist system in its place, and even changing their flag as well. In fact, Russia was looking forward to better relations with Europe and the United States.

2. President Clinton broke that agreement and began to expand NATO eastward. The goal over time was to establish the American empire right up to Russia’s border. The last piece was to bring Ukraine into the EU and NATO. When the current government in the Ukraine was not interested for a several reasons, the State Department, the CIA, and other neocons decided it was time to overthrow that government. It cost the U.S. government 5 billion dollars to accomplish that.

3. When two of the eastern provinces in the Ukraine wanted independent, the new U.S. hand-picked Ukrainian President would not allow it. Then the fighting began between the the Ukrainian government and the two provinces. Over the next four years more than 14,000 people have been killed by Ukrainian military. Most of the people in those two provinces are REAL Russians , not Ukrainians.

4. The U.S. government real goal is to bring the Ukraine into NATO so we could establish military bases to threaten Russia with nuclear tip missiles that would provide us with a first strike capability. The ultimate goal is to breakup Russia into several mini states under our control and to be a threat to China on their northern border. I have a map of how we would breakup Russia into smaller units. I done my research, maybe its time for you to do the same. Look at the overall picture of how the U.S. government has lied so often over the years.

Most of this information is available on over the last three years.

You will find the information very interesting.

By: Ron Kelmell Mon, 10 Jun 2024 01:12:13 +0000 Liberals are typically parasites sucking up the benefits of America won for them by their betters. They are usually cowards that never risk themselves for the good of someone else. Further, having overthrown all moral definitions they are often out of control substance abusing alphabets.

By: Whiskey Jack Sat, 08 Jun 2024 17:53:58 +0000 “In war, truth is the first casualty.” –Anonymous–

Hillary, a.k.a. “Broom Hilda” never could accept the reality that on November 8,2016 she didn’t fly that well west of the Hudson.

By: Intrepid Sat, 08 Jun 2024 12:38:40 +0000 In reply to Paul.

Wrong but a good guess. I picked that name because the head of British S.O.E. was code named Intrepid. His name was William Stephenson. He is a hero of mine.

By: LC Sat, 08 Jun 2024 11:09:14 +0000 Sorry, but demoKKKrats dissing or disrespecting something/anything that made America great just isn’t news. Its expected. Its their religion

That those squad congresscritters can’t tell one American holiday from another also isn’t news. Any holiday, like Memorial Day for example that honors the military, or that observes a diety other than the govt (Xmas for example) is not respected by them. To them, Hitler and Stalin are role models they aspire to be more like.

By: Turtler Sat, 08 Jun 2024 08:13:08 +0000 They have been doing this for decades. FDR and Truman literally smeared Dewey as Fascist, absolutely absurd. This sort of stuff has tainted our Republic and society and it is how we get to things like this..

By: Andrew Blackadder Sat, 08 Jun 2024 04:16:28 +0000 Speaking recently with a young French guy while I was visiting Thailand, he told me just how much he hates America and so I asked him if he would be happier if he was speaking German to me rather than English and what did he wish to do with all the Americans buried in graves across France who died fighting for his right to spew nonsense…
He was of course totally silent, but this is the utter ignorance and basic stupidity of the young Useful Idiot Generation we have today across the entire Western World.
This wee French dude was wearing a Baseball Hat with NY on it, a T Shirt, Blue Jeans, was eating a Cheeseburger and ”Pomme Frites” in the Guest House Restaurant we both were staying at and had his Smart Phone on the Table beside him..
Spoiled rotten self righteous entitled generation of today, he was about 25 years old..
Hes lucky I didn’t haul off and punch the asshole…
Im a 76 year old Scotsman.
Trump 2024.

By: Turtler Sat, 08 Jun 2024 02:24:43 +0000 In reply to Funny.

Incompetence is the least of Biden etc al’s sins, but how was the US responsible for

A: The poisoning of an anti-swamp, anti-Kremlin Ukrainian President Yuschenko (who later went on to be elected President) during protests about vote rigging?

B: pro-Kremlin President Yanukovych violating the Ukrainian Constitution’s equivalent of the Bill of Rights?

C: the Russian military not merely invading Ukraine on false pretenses in 2014, but lying about it and not citing any of the after the fact explanations the Kremlin’s shills (including on the Far Left) helpfully provide it?

Putin and Obama are more similar than different.

By: Paul Fri, 07 Jun 2024 20:53:59 +0000 In reply to Intrepid.

INTREPID? I too served aboard the Intrepid during the Vietnam War. I’m making the assumption you picked that name because you are a former crew member of Intrepid.

By: Funny Fri, 07 Jun 2024 20:01:47 +0000 Biden is not telling the truth regarding the Ukraine/Russian conflict. The United States is responsible for that conflict from the very beginning. The President is one incompetent individual.
