Comments on: Is Fitness Fascist? Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out - David Horowitz Tue, 23 Jul 2024 00:38:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: SPURWING PLOVER Sun, 16 Jun 2024 18:30:28 +0000 From the UK leftists news Rag the Garbage-Can(Guardian)they have their own NYT’s across the Pond

By: Intrepid Thu, 13 Jun 2024 14:49:10 +0000 In reply to Kynarion Hellenis.

Reading the Bible for his sake or mine will get me nowhere. You are too easy on him and he will take advantage of that. Slap him harder.

Have you ever seen the film “Glory”? It is the story of the Mass. 54th regiment, the first all black regiment in the Civil War. It’s commander has a friend in the regiment who needs to learn to be tougher.

During tough training, the commander is asked by the Sgt Major if the weak trooper is a friend and he says “we grew up together.” The Sgt Major intones “Let him grow up some more”. The commander leaves it at that. And the trooper manages to become a soldier.

In my world there is no excuse for weakness. We are at war with spineless traitors like THX. He is part of the 5th column.

Just sayin’.

By: Kynarion Hellenis Thu, 13 Jun 2024 14:05:49 +0000 In reply to Intrepid.

Intrepid, look at Acts 9:5 and Acts 26:14.

I may be too easy on THX, but I have delivered some slaps, too. I try always to think of his well-being because I pity his slavery, while simultaneously being repulsed by his hypocrisy. But God often saves these very people and makes them monuments to His grace. THX would love much, because he would be forgiven much. Luke 7:47-48.

I think you love what is good, and therefore you hate what is evil. There is room for what you do with THX.. And please feel free to criticize me, because I need to examine my motives and methods. You might be right that my effort is wasted, but perhaps not.

By: Intrepid Thu, 13 Jun 2024 12:48:58 +0000 In reply to Kynarion Hellenis.

I know not of goads of God. Couldn’t find them in a search engine. There is no hope for this clown. The day before yesterday he was blaming Israel for the October 7 attack because of their alleged altruism. Here’s what he wrote on the 11th:

“This war would never have happened except for America’s and the West’s altruistic funding of Muslim savages.

Not to mention that Israel was also funding these Muslim savages and aiding and abetting them by giving them work permits to work in Israel.

Israel inflicted this bloody savagery on itself, all in the name of the supposedly “noble” and “moral” code of altruism and self-sacrifice. Israel should be ashamed of itself for practicing the self-immolation of altruism.”

He is obsessed with the concept of altruism and blames everything wrong with us on it. It’s all so easy for him.

You are too easy on him. If what happened to Paul on the road to Damascus happened to him I would automatically think it was a ruse, because he is an inveterate liar.

Demon possessed? Satan’s handmaiden? Perhaps. Anti-God, Anti-West and anti-American? Most assuredly.

By: Luz Maria Rodriguez Thu, 13 Jun 2024 03:45:11 +0000 Striving for fitness allows one to understand that you reap what you sow. Become lazy and sloven, and you will highly likely fail. Work hard and become focused, and you will more likely succeed, at least on an individual level. However, having said that, i am not so sure that body building is completely a fitness game. Has anyone ever seen Arnold run, or has anyone seen a big body builder fight a smaller but skilled and fit boxer? Not to mention how steroids dominates that field.

By: Kynarion Hellenis Wed, 12 Jun 2024 22:39:15 +0000 In reply to Intrepid.

He believes many, many lies. There is a history to him that has warped him horribly, and we do not know that history, but God does. Whatever it is, he is willing to believe horrible lies even when they are irrational and incoherent – a true religious faith without evidence.

THX still lives, and there is hope for him, just as there was for the Apostle Paul, who also had a passionate and ignorant hatred for Christ, Who told him it was difficult to kick against the pricks.

Intrepid, your intolerant energy is also passionate, and I believe they might be the goads against which it is difficult to kick. God uses means, and who can deny your opposition might not be one of God’s goads? The irony is I think no one would be more delighted than you should God give new life to our THX.

By: Intrepid Wed, 12 Jun 2024 21:50:31 +0000 In reply to Kynarion Hellenis.

Kynarion, when are his comments not out of context. He is a hateful childish creature. He is a cowardly, little narcissist who has deluded himself into thinking selfishness is somehow noble. The idea of risking his life to help someone that is in desperate need is loathsome to him because he sees his life as infinitely more valuable than that of anyone in need, regardless of how much they are suffering. He is the epitome of meritless pride and delusional self-worth.

It’s not that he hates God. He desires to be God and sees himself as some sort of savior to be obeyed.

By: WhiteHunter Wed, 12 Jun 2024 21:31:18 +0000 I meet and deal with Fat People all the time in my job (which is transportation for “persons with disabilities,” not healthcare).

I don’t mean “over-weight,” which at 198 lb. is heavier than the ideal of 170 lb. for my sex (Male) and height (5′ 11″); I mean Morbidly Obese–like 300 lb. or more (often MUCH more than that) for a person of my height.

I never “fat-shame” them (nor comment about their weight at all, in any way) as I struggle and grunt to attach the seatbelt across their gigantic girth (or attach the seatbelt extender to make the stretch); and I never ask them about their political views, so I don’t know how they feel about Biden, Trump, illegal immigration, inflation, national security, the 2A, etc.

Usually, what we talk about as I drive them and they, not I, bring up the subject, is their diabetes (and amputated toes or foot), high blood pressure, hip- and knee-joint replacement surgery, heart disease, and thrice-weekly dialysis sessions for kidney failure: EVERY SYMPTOM A TYPICAL, DIRECT, AVOIDABLE RESULT OF THEIR GROSSLY MORBID OBESITY.

I’ve never met an old Fat Person on the job (even 60 y.o., much less 70, 80, or 90+-years-old, which many or most of my other, always slim, passengers are). Why might that be, do you think?

And yet the Left (not these poor, unhealthy fat people), while legalizing “Weed,” vehemently condemn me for smoking cigarettes because “It’ll kill you, and you Smokers are raising the cost of my health insurance!”

Look, the Leftard Totalitarians don’t care about any of us; that’s been obvious for a long time; they care about their overbearing Power over everybody else, and that’s all. They just need a Target to attack, slander, ridicule, and ban or jail. Their Prophet, Alinsky, wrote the script.

And that useful Target changes from year to year, as soon as the previous one becomes a worn-out cliche that doesn’t work for them any more. They’ll use any bludgeon they can get their hands on…although for this “Zoe Williams” nutcase it’s now, incredibly and insanely, the “physically fit Fascists.”

By: Brother Bob Wed, 12 Jun 2024 20:46:27 +0000 In reply to THX 1138.

Is this your way of apologizing for the frothing at the mouth hatred you Lefties have for President Trump and half of the country?

By: Maha Wed, 12 Jun 2024 18:57:25 +0000 In reply to internalexile.

Arnold was a body sculptor who had the genetics to pull it off. He reshaped his massive bull-like physique in order to fit the Conan character, noting that he wanted to more like a panther in that role.

Arnold’s image in an article countering the fitness=fascism claim may be less than compelling.

It is intriguing to remember that Arnold’s father was a Nazi Sargent, and Arnold himself, fell into totalitarian thinking when he criticized anyone failing to follow the regulations designed to slow the spread of COVID-19 telling them “Screw your freedom.”

Maybe a better mascot would be Denise Austin.
