Comments on: Democrats: The Party of Political Violence Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out - David Horowitz Sat, 29 Jun 2024 07:42:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Beez Sat, 29 Jun 2024 07:42:13 +0000 In reply to Aslan.

Candace Owens accused Ben Shapiro of attacking her religion. That was a lie, and she owes him an apology.

No, I’m not Jewish. I’m a protestant Christian. Owens also got suckered into the RCC, with its ancient (irrelevant), secret, elaborate ceremonies which mean absolutely nothing.

By: Cat Fri, 28 Jun 2024 10:04:26 +0000 In reply to Intrepid.

Not everyone can move-that is just silly fantasizing and unhelpful advice.

If you believe that scenario then armed Americans should disperse to protect innocent people in so called blue areas.

Note to jihadis – don’t try it in a Staten Island town!

Schlicter isn’t much of a Trump supporter either.

By: Cat Fri, 28 Jun 2024 09:58:47 +0000 In reply to Aslan.

Owens is a Grifter! And anti-Semite.

Oh for a block and mute button!
Are these comments not MODERATED anymore?!?!
Wake up, please Moderator!

By: Steve Chavez Wed, 26 Jun 2024 23:06:47 +0000 In reply to John.

How many police from Portland and Seattle who were hit with rocks, bricks, clubs, pepper spray, urine and feces-filled balloons, etc. testified as crybabies to Congress? How many of them were arrested? How many were arrested for riots, looting, and arson, and again, attacks on police? How many will be arrested when Trump wins and cities across America are set on fire… and I bet by you?

By: Kevin Nienhuis Wed, 26 Jun 2024 23:00:24 +0000 Days before the 2020 election, retail stores and other businesses in D.C. boarded up their windows, fearing the violence that would erupt from the leftist rioters and “protestors” if Trump was victorious … When Biden was declared the “winner” on Saturday, five days after the election, those same businesses took down the window coverings and barriers because they knew very well there would be NO similar violence from Trump supporters and conservatives … And there wasn’t! The violence and rioting and car burning and looting is ALL from the left, folks, just as it was the day after Trump beat Hillary in 2016 … Any suggestion to the contrary is a monstrous lie …

By: Mike Litoris Wed, 26 Jun 2024 20:07:50 +0000 In reply to internalexile.

Mad Marxine the Marxist

By: Luz Maria Rodriguez Wed, 26 Jun 2024 19:34:44 +0000 In reply to David Ray.

and as reported by another “sh__head” more recently, admired Byrd a great deal.

Why have minorities here been so taken with these throwbacks?

What started as the kkk evolved clearly into today’s blm and antifa.

An irony is the recent founders of blm profited bigly off their scam.

I believe Booker T Washington said it best: paraphrasing, ‘beware of those who promote racism for profit.’ This was after he walked those 200+ miles to reach a place for education.

By: Walter Sieruk Wed, 26 Jun 2024 19:20:03 +0000 The way to handle the problem of those vicious violent and rioting hooligans of BLM is by the use of the strong power and might of the police and the National Guard.

This is necessary because those violent vicious criminals of BLM cannot and will not be reasoned with. In other words, they will not respond to reason and logic.

Therefore, it’s necessary and fitting to send them a message, to behave themselves, by the only language that those BLM thugs will understand. Which is the language of harsh powerful and strong National Guard and police might.

As Thomas Jefferson had, so wisely , written “With every barbarous people…force is law.”

By: Walter Sieruk Wed, 26 Jun 2024 19:19:20 +0000 Those BLM rioters aren’t real, genuine, protesters. In reality they’re thieves, looters arsonists, vandals, criminal hooligans and thugs. The awful mental level of those BLM savages is so terrible low and destructive that none of them are never able to create or make anything of value or worth.

They are destructive and never, ever, constructive. Likewise are useless for anything that is good or worthwhile, they just destroy.

Those rioting lawless hooligans of BLM in different cities in America, who have much gall to call themselves “protesters,” have leaders who are all Marxists. Have joined with the violent jihadists in their hate for and desire for the destruction of the USA along with other nations of Western civilizations. For example, BLM has close ties with Hamas. This is called the Red/ Green alliance.”

Two points should be make clear those common violent ruffians of BLM.

First, those BLM hooligans with all their rioting arson looting and violent actions, even murderous violence have proven, repeatedly, that aren’t civilized or intelligent people. For people of intelligence won’t behave in such horrendously lawless awful ways. People of class and intelligence if that t feel somethings is wrong will act out on peaceful decent law-abiding ways. They will form lobbies, have petition signing, and maybe even engage in orderly peaceful protest marches..

By contrast those BLM thugs have exposed themselves, time and time again, by their own horrible malicious violent malice-filled actions that that they are despicable vicious savages. This, of course , a politically correct statement to make but it’s a reality based statement of truth

Second,, they are too unintelligent to realize it but they are only being played as “useful idiots” stooges and tools by the jihadists for their goal of the destruction of America as well as other countries of the West and the establishment of Islam with its Sharia law Western nations.

Of course this might be an unrealistic pipe-dream of those jihad -minded Muslims but if-that would happen, and that is “if”, those same jihadist/Muslims who the BLM thugs would turn on them and eliminate them because they used them for their Islamic agenda and now are finish with them.

For those scheming jihadists well understand how dangerous those BLM and Antifa hooligans are and would never trust them not to engage in rebellion against nation ruled by Sharia law.

By: Walter Sieruk Wed, 26 Jun 2024 19:11:46 +0000 One of the “reasons” that the hooligans of Black Life Matter burn the Bible is that it in in strong contradiction to Marxism.

The other reason is because the Bible has in it the Ten Commandments and commandment number six is “You shall not murder” Exodus 20:13. [N.K.J.V.] and BLM is a murderous group. As the following explains.

BLM is not a genuine or real civil rights organization but instead it’s a vicious, violent malicious dangerous an deadly terrorist entity.

For example, of the murderous action of the BLM hooligans of shooting a young White woman dead for only telling them the truth that “All lives matter.” exposes many evil things about that vicious hate group.

This exposes the BLM thugs are so malicious and irrational that they can’t be reason with. In other words they are not rational and don’t understand reason.

This also reveals that they are wicked in the true sense of being totally evil . They have proven that by the vicious murderous violence.

This poor young woman was so naive as to try to reason with those who aren’t rational but only vicious brutal cruel and murderous.

This alone exposes that BLM is not a real political action movement but an extremely violent terrorist/ criminal, murdering entity.

The BLM hooligans by celebrating the malicious murder of this young person by one of their thugs have expose that they and their group are not a genuine political organization but domestic terrorist group spiteful, hateful malice ,wicked thugs.

Those BLM supporters who celebrate the murder of this innocent young woman shall ,in time, be punished for their hate and malice

As the Bible informs in reader in Proverbs 17:5. “He who is glad at calamity will not go unpunished.”
