Comments on: The Secret Service Was Created to Stop Leftist Terror. It Became the Left. Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out - David Horowitz Fri, 19 Jul 2024 14:51:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: TRex Fri, 19 Jul 2024 14:51:19 +0000 In reply to Dr. Don Rhudy.

Like a cancerous tumor, the govt requires ever more resources to accomplish its goal, devour the host. At its present level of expansion the govt will, at some point, have as many employees and dependents as there are citizens to finance it. What then, plunder foreign resources like in the days of the barbarians? The lack of foresight is only equaled by the lack of historical knowledge.

By: TRex Fri, 19 Jul 2024 14:39:05 +0000 In reply to Tionico.

It’s important to know your place. The practice of positioning the right personnel, in any endeavor, is the key to success. The addled brain of the leftists, raised on “participation trophies”, thinks success is using every crayon in the box and staying inside the lines are just a suggestion.

By: TRex Fri, 19 Jul 2024 14:29:40 +0000 In reply to steve.

After nearly 60 years many don’t believe the truth has been told about the JFK assassination. Most of us on this board probably won’t live to know the truth about the attempt on Trump.

By: TRex Fri, 19 Jul 2024 14:11:00 +0000 In reply to Gordon.

It appears to me the left is hell bent on paying “reparations” to every so-called “victim” group that ever existed. Regardless of competence, they are being elevated to positions they are not qualified to do. The left, with their savior mentality, wants to announce to the world they have wiped out racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. to bring about a more just society. With all due respect, it’s like giving a severely handicapped child the opportunity to throw out the first pitch at the World Series game. It touches our hearts and gives the child a once in a lifetime experience he could never achieve on his own. He knows that. We all know that. The child will return to his station and the game will go on with the players who have arrived at the game on their merit. the left thinks the child should stay on the field along with others unqualified to field a position because they are victims of racism, sexism and on and on. This mentality will ruin a functioning society but they don’t care. Their DEI fantasy accomplishes nothing but the degradation of the will to excel towards any endeavor that requires competence.

By: TRex Fri, 19 Jul 2024 13:10:11 +0000 In reply to internalexile.

I’ve seen her on tv a couple times. She looks like a “dead man walking”. She seems to have that far-off gaze in her eyes like someone who knows she’s going to pay for her fuck ups. She knows her lies will be uncovered and being a good little soldier she’ll take the hit for the top brass to keep their asses covered. The DEI she so covets only goes so far and it won’t shield her from scrutiny once the investigations begin.

By: Tionico Fri, 19 Jul 2024 07:55:31 +0000 but failed to prevent a Communist from murdering President John F. Kennedy.

Mr. Oswald was no commie. He was, perhaps a passy. There is NO way he fired the fatal shot, and probably not even any of them. (they came from THREE distinct directions and elevations). hat Italian Caracno ex-military rifle he supposedly used fires a relatively weak round that is also relatively light weight. As I recall he had a fairly lowpower riflescope, and at the range from which he had to have fired (IF it was indeed he who did so) his bullet path would have been far more steeply downward than is observed in the extant film. Several credible eye witnesses reported shots foming from at least two, and from most of them three, distinct directions. Even if THAT part is mistaken, three or more rounds were fired in such rapid succession as so all but preclude the possibiliy of one man, alne firing all three runds in such rapid succession, AND from different directions (per eyewitnesses who had no “dog in the fight”)

By: Tionico Fri, 19 Jul 2024 05:11:53 +0000 In reply to Hugh Jassol.

Anyone who has ever pulled a sweep in an eight man racing shell KNOWS firsthand that diversity is the LAST thing anyone wants. Yu ONLY want eight big strong MEN very close to each other in height, arm length, strength, weight, to pull on those sweeps. Then there is the cox.. he skinny little runt with the megaphone sitting in the stern sheets calling out the cadence and carefully, accurately, assessing his own crew and the opponents to warn then inform his own crew WHEN to give it every gramme of srengtth they can muster to beat the other boats.

Lone up all the oarsmen after the match and there is perhaps a bit of ‘diversity in terms of skin colour, but NONE oh physical attributes. Then take a look at all tthe cox’ns and they will be very different from the oarsmen as a group, but near identical to each other.

but they are not out to do anything but cross that finish line first, even by a mere quarter inch.

By: Tionico Fri, 19 Jul 2024 04:56:13 +0000 In reply to Intrepid.

then there would be bloody handprins all over them, right? If not.. LIARS

By: Tionico Fri, 19 Jul 2024 04:51:03 +0000 In reply to Noah Andeark.

Tha reminds me of the old Irish Leprechaun tale about the hidden pot of gold. The one who hid it boasted no one could find it. It was buried at the base of a tree. Someone identiried the ree by tieing a yellow ribbon round the base of the proper tree. So the Leprehchaun made wyllow ribbons just like that and tied them to EVERY tree in the woods. Thus what was hidden wae revealed then hiddden again.
If EVERT Secret Service agent wore a big red ie just like Donald’s.amd the same blue coat, he sniper would have to shoot them all to get Trump. But by the time he’d fired couple rounds he’d be “made” and offed.
This report proves SS wanted Trump to stand out for easy identification.
Same reason this supposed Master Crooks was allowed, perhaps even helped, to access that “sloping” roof in broad daylight in easy range of the ine man they do NOT want to become their new Boss. Why is that? Because tthey know their little charade will be over.

If I were trump I would demand at this point that the identiy of EVERY SS agent present tht day be “relocated” and they all get separated and scattered.. or permanently separated from their present [ositions. Then FLLOD the SS with loyal and skilled people.Turn these “”loyal” SS folks out to pasture. Or send them to do mop up in gaza or some sigh. See how they like REAL combat when tthey are the target.

By: Allan Goldstein Fri, 19 Jul 2024 04:14:30 +0000 In reply to Dr. Don Rhudy.

I don’t buy the underlying assumption that Buck Compton would knuckle under to such a conspiracy.

He would not.
