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When the English arrived in Australia, they discovered tribesmen using curved pieces of wood that they called “bou-mar-rangs” or “boomerangs” which fly away and come back at you.
Politics has lots of boomerangs. The latest throwing stick to fly out and come circling back when least expected was a Democrat conspiracy aimed at keeping Trump out of the White House.
A year earlier, Hamilton’s awkward ahistorical rapping had swept elites from Manhattan to D.C. and the “Hamilton Electors” came up with their own unmusical scheme to rig the 2016 election.
After Trump won and Hillary lost, the Hamilton Electors tried to find Republican “faithless electors” to block Trump’s certification by backing a fake Republican like Colin Powell. While Hamilton went on touring the country and then became a movie, the Hamilton election rigging scheme didn’t do so well with only a handful of mostly Dem electors casting votes for Colin Powell (3), Bernie Sanders (2) Ron Paul (1) and Native American activists Faith Spotted Eagle (1) and Elizabeth Warren (1). This wasn’t nearly enough to throw the election to the House to recreate the scheme Aaron Burr.(as described in my book, not the musical) tried to pull in 1800.
Had Republicans tried any such thing, the electors involved would have spent the rest of their lives battling it out in local and federal courts, and their lawyers (in this case Harvard Law Professor Lawrence Lessig) would have been disbarred and then prosecuted under laws last used after the Civil War. But “creative election challenges” are in the “finest legal tradition” when done by leftists, but a “threat to democracy” when engaged in by conservatives.
While the scheme was an election failure, it did lead to a Supreme Court case (Chiafalo v. Washington) testing whether states can force electors to vote for the pledged candidate.
And that might be a big problem.
States like Washington and Colorado cracked down on “faithless electors” but if Biden wins the election and becomes officially non-compos mentis, the faithless might be the party’s only hope.
The Democrats are mired in a crisis of their own making when after rigging the primaries for Biden they discovered that his brain might not be fully rigged, but that throwing him off the ballot may be unworkable. Even if Biden remains the nominee and wins, and then plops, there’s no mechanism for many electors voting for anyone else and that makes for a very split ticket.
Democrat electors would have a choice of selecting a dead (or brain dead) man or nothing.
The status of electors was somewhat ambiguous despite the precedent set back in 1952 with
Ray v. Blair and Chiafalo v. Washington reasserted it on the worst possible terms. Despite Lessig’s representation, the faithless elector case was pathetically weak and appeared unclear as to whether it was aimed at undermining the 2016 election, the Electoral College or both.
Justice Jackson was much plainer when he bluntly wrote in Ray v. Blair that, “the demise of the whole electoral system would not impress me as a disaster” and yet he also compellingly argued, what none of the originalists on today’s court seemed willing to, that the Constitution intended “that electors would be free agents, to exercise an independent and nonpartisan judgment as to the men best qualified for the Nation’s highest offices.”
He warned that while many believe “that it is the progressive or liberal element of the party that will presently advantage from this device does not prove that the device itself has any proper place in a truly liberal or progressive scheme of government. Who will come to possess this weapon and to whose advantage it will prove in the long run I am not foresighted enough to predict.”
These days we cannot even predict after all the primaries have been concluded who will be the 2024 Democrat presidential nominee from day to day, whether he will be alive on Election Day or whether he will still be alive by the time the electors are doing their work.
With thirty-two states (not to mention D.C.) mandating that electors vote for the winner, and a number of those removing electors who don’t toe the line, this could get messy. It could even mean that Biden could win, then be disabled, and a lot of Dem state electors would have a choice of backing someone who can’t serve, someone who can serve but whom they can’t vote for, or just give up and let the election fall to Trump anyway.
Would it actually work that way? No, for the same reason that the ‘faithless electors’, their lawyers and the various Democrats who organized the scheme don’t have mug shots across the country. Faced with the immovable reality of Biden’s mental state and the unstoppable law, they would just connive to set the law aside the way that they had so many election laws in 2020.
Suddenly state and federal judges would discover that the same laws they upheld are no longer valid or binding, and that no one has any standing to sue over their non-enforcement.
But Chiafalo v. Washington will make that more difficult.
When Lessig and his ‘Equal Citizens’ organization, whose board includes Clinton cabinet member Robert Reich, and had backing from key Democrat and leftist groups, decided to gamble on the 2016 election to stop Trump, they could end up making him president.
The ideal test case for faithless electors wasn’t the Bernie Sanders and Ron Paul supporters in 2016 trying to stop Trump, but a crisis in which Joe Biden can’t be and yet must be president. And yet the Democrats may be stuck with the Chiafalo v. Washington precedent instead.
The short term obsession with stopping Trump by any means, including counterintelligence investigations, the weaponization of the DOJ, FBI and CIA, illegal prosecutions and election rigging schemes has always been a boomerang. And like all abuses of power, these carry the very real risk of consciously rebounding when what they do is done to them but also unconsciously rebounding in the unforeseen consequences of any major action.
The ability to control the outcome ends when a stick is thrown or a bullet is fired.
A lot of sticks were thrown and bullets fired in the last 9 years to stop Trump. There is no telling where some of them will end up. Chiafalo v. Washington is just one of many nightmare scenarios, ticking time bombs embedded in our system by thoughtless and ruthless men, that may rebound badly on them and all of us. The media has taken to its ninth year of lecturing us about how dangerous Trump is, but it and its cohort are the truly dangerous ones.
Barry Spinello says
We know for a fact that Michelle Obama hates politics. We’ve been told this over and over. She will not run. She’s not even being considered. She’s OUT of the fray (until she accepts).
So the party jostles the puppet Biden back and forth But in the final analysis -BIDEN is nominated.
But in his “acceptance” speech He declines! In his speech he after a lifetime of service he takes the highroad. On Doctor’s advice he can’t last four more years. He is given hero status. He throws to an open convention..
Chaos ensues, as all factions in the party compete for candidate.
Three factions take the lead – California with Newsom – Washington with Kamela. And other Washington with Hillary. All are strong, but none can win alone. Deadlock…
The cavalry arrives. Barack announces Michelle will run – This pure self sacrifice on her part.
Michelle takes the stage to pandemonium. She not a politician but here to unite a fractured party and save it from a fractured politics – She opens the convention. How democratic.
Backroom deals have been struck. California is on board because Newsom will be the chosen VP. Kamala is on board – she will be chosen as designated California governor. Biden is assured his family will be pardoned. His wife will be given any ambassadorship she wants. Joe Biden the grand old man sacrifices once again is raised to Saint status for all time. Hillary is once again thrown under the bus. No one laments.
But what of Michelle’s inexperience and policy? What happens when the call comes in at three AM? Barack will be in bed beside her. We come to understand a vote for Michelle is in effect a vote for a Michelle/Biden presidency.
And what is her policy? To restore the sanity of the Obama years. She tacks hard right – outdoing Trump on some issues. She runs as “anti Biden” in someways – completely undercutting Trump.
And Trump can’t criticize her – she is black and a woman.
For two months she will be Mother Teresa in the press. Trump takes a backseat – he is outdone in theatrics. Trump is cut off at the knees. He no longer can run against Biden’s record. Michelle is in effect running against Biden’s record, Michelle is Obama’s record and this is what Trump faces.
Michelle – a Princeton and Harvard Grad is well groomed. she has been close to the center for 16 years. She is attractive and can well read a prepared speech. She will be the puppet of choice.
Gordon says
I understand the thinking, but Michelle is attractive? Trump wouldn’t criticize her because she’s a black woman? Sanity of the Obama years? I can only hope the democrats are thinking of something like this. The Obama magic is gone, Michelle is a horrible candidate and there is no way they move to the right on anything.
Rob A says
Interesting theory but far fetched to say the least. If you don’t mind me saying, smoking those “left-handed cigarettes” ain’t cool! They’re known to distort you’re perception of reality.
Deb Hill says
Michelle and Susan Rice.
Jeff Bargholz says
In a TV show, not real life. Big Mike knows he can’t win and is too much of a coward to try.. Real life is’n.t a movie and in real life the Jigroes always lose.
Deborah says
If you think Trump will keep his mouth shut because Michelle Obama ” is black and a woman” you underestimate Trump and way overestimate Michelle and Barack, both of whom have an awful lot of what’s called BAGGAGE. Also consider the fact that the MAGA Movement is the largest political movement in History and in NO mood for KUMBAYA with Marxists/Globalists of any color. None of them even considers the impact of MAGA ! They are way too busy calling MAGA “Domestic Terrorists and Insurrectionists ” and throwing Steve Bannon in prison. Meanwhile, MAGA grows every day, dedicated to America First and literally smoldering in anger….
BLSinSC says
The ONLY way the DEMOcrats can win is like they have before – BY CHEATING and FRAUD!! There’s no shortage of EVIDENCE in several “swing” states from 2020! I do believe – and PRAY – that 2024’s Vote FRAUD will be snuffed out by the various organizations who have ID’d the REGISTRATIONS from VACANT LOTS, PO BOXES, and PRISONS!!
Barry Spinello says
(Continued from previous
Call it out early as the ploy it is. Against her long stated “preference” to stand clear of the political fray – she enters as a hero, a non politician, an outsider. Baloney. This was the plan inner circle plan all along.
Over the next two months the MSM builds Michelle into Mother Teresa. She tacks to the middle. She reads a great speech. She criticizes Biden’s record. Calls for a return to “normalcy.”
But he is now on the inside. Michelle is the non politician on the outside. And he can’t criticize a woman, a black, a mother, a faithful wife, a patriot. Trump is cut off at the knees.
And it gives Trump no leg to stand on. He cant criticize a woman and black. He can’t run against Biden’s record. She is in effect running against Biden;s record for a return to Obama;s sage and stable past.
internalexile says
Trump would have to fully unload on the destruction of America that was Obama, no holds barred. Everyone knows that Michelle would simply be a continuation of that hate-filled legacy.
Jeff Bargholz says
Yeah, in Fantasy Land. Big Mike may have a ballsack but it’s too tiny for him to run.
The front cover of Time Magazine the Elephant squishes the Donkey
Algorithmic Analyst says
Excellent analysis. The nuts and bolts of the election process may determine the course of events. I heard that several swing states are required by law to have Biden as the official Democrat candidate on their ballots.
Mo de Profit says
The two party system is part of what made America but this has now become the bureaucratic establishment vs the rest of the population.
Will something happen to legitimately prevent the election from happening?
Will the establishment need to anoint one of their own to save democracy?
Dr. Dre says
The reference to the “bureaucratic establishment” made me think of the “Good Old Days” in the late 19th c. when a big fuss was made about installing a civil service for government workers who would not need to worry about being laid off with each change of administration; i. e. they were there due to their merit, discovered by an exam, not by which they knew or worked to elect. Well, nearly 150 yrs later we see how well that plan has worked out! Badly.
Let the next President — Trump, hopefully — close down an array of cabinet level and lesser departments that have been allowed to metastasize over the years: Education; EEOC; Environment. Three Es to start! I’ll leave it at that.
Next step: hire temporary fixers to assess and suggest short-term solutions that the private sector can attack and repair. Doing this will also change the direction that our post-secondary education system has struggled under, finding good jobs for college graduates. If the real world calls, then signing on to some D. C. backwater office job will seem like a bad idea, not a route to personal power and fulfillment. JFK did some good things back in the early 60s but his asking what you can do for your country gave a lot of people the WRONG idea!
Deborah says
Very nicely said! Well done. I always hated that those words…”Ask not for what your country can do for you. Ask what YOU can do for your country”. It just sounds nice and selfless until you actually think about it and blurt out Wait!! What?? and watched as the Draft kicked in for Vietnam and kids my age were disappearing and sent in to the Meat-grinder in the Jungles. JFK regretted those words before he was assassinated. We lost an entire generation of young Americans and many more from SUICIDE when they got home… and we’ve learned nothing ! “We do the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome” which Einstein defined as INSANITY. Until TRUMP. The only US President who did not start a War in his four year term.
RS says
Most people have sense enough to realize that what goes around comes around. Evil intentions have happened throughout history, and boomerang. They come back to bite those who are destructive in their nature.
Rob A says
I wouldn’t be so sure about that. Why? Because it doesn’t address the real issue of why is it that the same vile and corrupt democrat politicians )and a few republicans too) keep getting reelected.
In this country, those people with evil intentions didn’t shoot they way into power nor come to power via a coup d’état or deception for that matter. They were duly elected by the voters.
I fail to see the utility of blaming the corrupt and vile politicians without also blaming the easily mesmerized and beguiled voters who elect and reelect them.
Deborah says
Your opinion of the American Voter may have held up until that filthy Election Coup of 2020 when the Left stole the presidential election and claimed over 80 Million people voted for BIDEN? who hid in his basement in Delaware and made a few speeches in parking lot rallies with a couple dozen in attendence? NO. Sorry. The American Voters are simply NOT THAT STUPID ! Trump won and we know it. What goes around comes around…..and THIS time in 2024 : NO One is believing a word the Media have to say and they did that to themselves.
David I Johnston says
OK, but what did Chiafalo v. Washington say?
Çâşëğ says
Power is the most addictive drug on earth. The addict does everything humanly possible to obtain the drug even it means dying from overdose. Which is happening in America every day by the thousands. The same is true for commieKKKrats crave for power.
Remember dingy Harry blowing up the filibuster for the purpose to install few anti American Marxist judges into DC circuit court, What happened is the same tool that dingy Harry used ended up helping Trump to nominated and and confirmed three SC justices.
The reality is commieKKKrats are too addictive to power who are unable to make rational decisions. Sadly their addiction to power may ended up not only destroying them also The USA itself.
Queequeg says
Merciful heavens, man. Take a course on writing!
Jeff Bargholz says
Be nice! It isn’t hard.
MuggsSpongedice says
It’s all misdirection sleight of
hand smokescreen — unlike this which is more reality because in it’s amazing skill and talent is funny and accurate !!!
Geronimo says
Win or lose, I fear President Trump will be facing real bullets. I pray I’m wrong.
Gary Hope says
If Mooshell, , The Moose is elected by hook or crook,….the USA is finished. We won’t have the military to stop the Chinese, Russians or Islamofascists from attacking us or nuking us off of the planet.
Do we have a military left? A functional military deterrent left?
Or do we just have a bunch of left wing wussies military?
Snuffy Carter says
All it would take is one locker room photo of Big Mike with her/his pants pulled down to save America’s military from your scenario.
CTripps says
Biden is out.
M.O. is in
The ‘selection’ is done, she will be sworn in January 2025.
Stolen election proof won’t matter as the excuse for not removing her will be denying a black woman the presidency and riots will follow. There was no shortage of excuses for the 2020 election when no judges would review theft proof and they will double down for M.O.
Done and done.
Secession by the states on a grand scale is the only solution left.
Snuffy Carter says
I don’t think that the Bidens (Jill and Hunter) will go down without a fight. I would expect the Bidens to blackmail the Obamas – because the Bidens know plenty about the adventures of Bath House Barry in the Chicago gay bath houses – a few photos and witnesses from those days would expose the phony Obama marriage and that would be the end of Michelle’s bid for the white house – her poll numbers would be worse than Joe’s as America vomits while reading the story.
THX 1138 says
“Alex Soros Isn’t Worried About Biden. That Should Concern You.” – Michael J. Hurd
“The most revealing thing about this whole fiasco so far isn’t what I just wrote. It’s Alex Soros (son of Soros). He promises to be even worse than his father, and pretty much brags about it. He promises to be even MORE aggressive than his father at bringing socialism and fascism to the soon-to-be-former free world. His thirst for power is beyond anything we’ve seen yet — and mark my words, keep an eye on him.
Alex Soros has unequivocally stated that The Party must stand by Biden. This means the ultimate power tripper does not see Biden as a threat to rising, totalitarian leftist power. Why not? Biden is a disaster, and his own media has now turned against him. There can only be one answer as to why Soros does not view Biden as a threat: The “election” is in the bag. The fix is in. So far as Alex Soros is concerned, Joe Biden will last into his second term. And perhaps they will get rid of him then.”
Intrepid says
In that fever fueled Objectivist brain of yours, it is obvious you have no idea what is going on with Alex Soros, The Open Society, the election or Biden
Jeff Bargholz says
Your’re right about Alzheimer Joe. The powers that be want him in office no matter what. Those powers beat big Don in the last fake election and there’s no reason to think those Dirtbagocrat scum won;t cheat their way trough this one.
Martin says
Regarding Michelle’s competence:
She had to give up her $300,000 per year Illinois government job when Barack was elected President. Her job role was so unimportant it was never replaced.
Snuffy Carter says
The great Michelle was also disbarred years ago. It would be fun to watch Trump grill her over that during a debate.
Lightringer says
It is unlikely that there would ever be a debate between those two. Nobody would give Trump a chance to “diss” an arrogant, obnoxious black “woman”.
Skip says
The Democrats Convention will be interesting to watch.
I have often speculated Mooch will get the nomination as the light bringer to the Democrat party, well we all know it would be Barky’s 4th term.
Once the convention picks the nominations their Propaganda Ministry will all fall in line behind them , Vote the party comrade
Jeff Bargholz says
Barky couldn’t handle a wet dream, much less the Presidency. When will you DUMB conservatives get it out of your head that Brokeback HASBEEN Osama isn’t a mastermind? He’s a retard, not a Rasputin. Only Alzheiemer Joe is dumber than him.
Lightringer says
Probably not. He isn’t just dumb, he’s as lazy as they come.
David Stolinsky says
Actually, when the Brits arrived in Australia, they found the First Peoples using two types of boomerangs: 1) The kind we are familiar with, which come back. They were largely toys. 2) Sharpened boomerangs, which did not come back and were used for hunting and war. But we have forgotten this. The Democrats with their election shenanigans have taken the returning boomerangs and sharpened them for war. If those dangerous boomerangs come back on them, watch out. As we used to say, it’s Tillie bar the door. Or we could just smile and call it Karma.
Ron Kelmell says
Rising from cemeteries, rejuvenated at nursing homes, Democrats from Latin America, and uncountable voter drop boxes will produce the competition that may slay the Orange Man.’s chances. It’s hard to beat a cheat.
james Yanchek says
It is impossible to find a depth of depravity that the Dems won’t sink to to achieve their evil ends.
James O’Keefe published Killary’s receipts paying Democrat thugs to start violence @ Trump Rallies in 2016. I remember seeing them.
They killed that unarmed woman in the Capitol Building on Jan. 6, they won’t hesitate to use those same tactics now. An actual democrat assassinated the 1st GOP president, they will gladly use the same tactics against the last one.
Atikva says
“A scenario they could never have imagined” – only because they are so darn stupid, blind, deaf and dumb. They have just hammered the last nail on their coffin – at least as far as the November elections are concerned. I never thought they would fall in that trap, but apparently I was wrong.