“Pussy” was the primary symbolism and message of the January 21st Women’s March. From protest signs to the thousands of pink hats, it was in your face throughout the march.
The hats with the cute little cat ears were called “pussyhats” and were sponsored by the “Pink Pussy Project”. The women behind the ‘Pussyhat Project” decided that inundating the National Mall with a million handmade, cat-eared knitted hats, dubbed “pussyhats,“ was the perfect emblem of solidarity and support for women’s rights. Their explanation was that the “pussyhat” was a play on the word “pussycat” but also referenced President Donald Trump’s infamous comments on a hot microphone from an “Access Hollywood” video.
They were successful. Both visually and substantially the Women’s March was characterized by cute cat-eared hats and the word “pussy.“ Signs read: “Get Your Politics Out of my Pussy”; “The Pussy is watching” (which included a picture of a vagina); “My Pussy My Choice My Body My Voice”; “My Neck, My Back, My Pussy Will Grab Back”; “Stay Cunty”; “Pussy Trumps Tyranny”; “Not My Pussydent”; “Fear The Pussy”; “My Vagina has a better lineup than Trumps inauguration”; “Viva la Vulva” and much more. Other signs had images of fallopian tubes and vaginas. Several women were dressed as giant vaginas.
On the Pink Pussy Project website under the subtitle “Power of Pussy,” they explained the symbolism of their hats. “We chose this loaded word for our project because we want to reclaim the term as a means of empowerment.”
Perhaps someone should have explained to them that a significant aspect of the original feminist movement was to stop the sexual objectification of women. Equating women’s rights with the theme of “Pussy” is not a revolution – it is a devolution of women’s power. Reducing women to sexual objects was the substance of the criticism of President Trump’s private leaked conversation. If we follow the logic that was employed for the theme of the march, then there should have been women’s marches against Bill Clinton with thousands of women wearing torn pantyhose. They could have all bitten their lips in solidarity with the women President Clinton assaulted. They could have reclaimed the term “rape” as a means of empowerment and held up the exact same signs: “Get Your Politics Out of my Pussy”; “Not My Pussydent.”
The few men that attended the march held signs that read “I’m with her”; “We All Should Be Feminists” and “Men of Quality Do Not Fear Inequality.” The expression “pussy whipped” arguably fit nicely into the Women’s March theme.
These privileged, spoiled, angry women predicated their march on a locker room insult from 12 years ago. They could have had a platform on women who are sexually trafficked, on the millions of Muslim women who have no rights, on female genital mutilation, on prostitution, on honor killing, or on girls being sold into slavery. Instead they were more concerned about how they looked in their “pussyhats” and who held the most creative vulgar sign. They should have tried to march with their placards and outfits in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan, Nigeria and any number of other countries. Then they would have seen what real persecution and injustice look like. Their march was literally a day in the park where they could go home safely afterwards and feel self-righteous – as if they made a difference. However, their primary achievement was to stick their heads back in the sand instead of helping real persecuted women in any significant way. Indeed, they will not face the harsh realities of women being kidnapped and enslaved. And they will not acknowledge that the women who are doing their manicures and pedicures may be victims of human trafficking, or that they are endangering their little girls by dressing them provocatively. From their distorted self-hating worldview, sexual violence perpetrated by adversary cultures and ideologies is a myth.
It is ironic that the “pussy” theme is attributed to the new administration. But that word, if anything, might in fact be the perfect symbolism of the last administration – which did not have the courage to maintain redlines, help 200 Nigerian schoolgirls that were kidnapped or protect Yazidi women, who are being tortured and raped everyday of their lives. It is an administration that had a female Secretary of State who left Americans in Benghazi to die.
These “pussy-themed” multi-city marches have actually been organized before. In 2000, Gloria Steinem, one of the grandmothers of contemporary feminism, declared that the heart-shaped symbol of Valentine’s Day is not really a symbol of the human heart but a symbol of female genitalia because it resembles a vulva more than a heart. The symbol, according to Steinem, “was reduced from power to romance by centuries of male dominance.” Steinem’s declaration resulted in a feminist war on Valentine’s Day where “the oppressive romantic trappings of Valentine’s Day must be cleared away so the original genital power can shine through.” Since 2000, Valentine’s Day became known as Vagina Day, or V-Day for short and “pussy” marches started that year.
For the Left, the V in V-Day is said to stand for violence and victory as well as vagina. In his article, “V-Day: The Feminist War Against Love,” David Horowitz described the 2001 V-Day Demonstrations as:
an orgy of hatred against men … scheduled for 50 cities, over 200 college campuses and Madison Square Garden, which Jane Fonda has bankrolled to the tune of $1 million. …The messianic illusion that will energize the thousands of women who flock to Jane’s cause reflects the fact that the cause itself is not a political movement, but a crypto-religion…. In the old days, the crypto-religion demonized “the ruling class.“ Now, a trinity of hate has been added to the old formula of belief. It was prominent in the chants at the Inauguration of a Republican President just this January: “George Bush go away – racist, sexist, anti-gay.”
Same allegations, same symbolism, different inauguration.
Women’s marches are a clever progressive divide and conquer strategy that not only turns women against men, but also turns women against each other in the guise of peace and solidarity. It is a brilliant tactic to employ media propaganda to make privileged women feel oppressed and then program them to think that vulgarity, exhibitionism and emasculation is empowering. The predictable escalation of this kind of anger and hatred is violence. Hence, assaulting Trump supporters becomes natural and justifiable in the cause of global peace. This is the type of cultural encoding that indoctrinates women to honor kill and genitally mutilate their own daughters in the cause of Islamic and tribal cultural practices. American progressive women think they are more sophisticated and educated than their Muslim sisters, when in reality they are being manipulated in the same manner and for the same reasons.
Jamie Glazov has dissected the commonalities of feminist and jihadist hatred on this realm in his article “Hating Valentines.” Leftist feminists revile and demonize Valentine’s Day because it is a
manifestation of how capitalist and homophobic patriarchs brainwash and oppress women and push them into spheres of powerlessness. …Islam, like Communism, wages a ferocious war on any kind of private and unregulated love. In the case of Islam, the reality is epitomized in its monstrous structures of gender apartheid and the terror that keeps it in place. Indeed, female sexuality and freedom are demonized and, therefore, forced veiling, forced marriage, female genital mutilation, honor killings and other misogynist monstrosities become mandatory parts of the sadistic paradigm.
Glazov explains:
Valentine’s Day is a “shameful day” for the Muslim world and for the radical Left. It is shameful because private love is considered obscene, since it threatens the highest of values: the need for a totalitarian order to attract the complete and undivided attention, allegiance and veneration of every citizen.
Thus, while the protesters in the Women’s March believe that the representations of the “pussy” are symbols of female empowerment, the evidence demonstrates that they are everything but that. But just as these women’s marches are actually not about women at all, they will remain with us, for they are the deliberate and calculated next stage in the progressives’ war of hate on our civilization – and on all the men and women in it.
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