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“The Democrat Party’s Antisemitism Went Mainstream With Barack Obama,” runs the headline in the May 7 Federalist. As author Shawn Fleetwood notes, the former president “has been noticeably quiet about anti-Israel anarchists’ takeover of U.S. college campuses.”
While wishing Jews a happy Passover, the former president “couldn’t be bothered to condemn the anti-Semitic behavior on display at his alma mater or any of America’s post-secondary institutions.”
Fleetwood traces back to “The Obama Factor,” David Samuels’8/2/23 interview with David Garrow, author of Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama. Garrow revealed that Dreams from My Father was a novel and the author a “composite character.” He told girlfriends he fantasized about making love to men, which may have been more than a fantasy. After all, his beloved Communist Frank Marshall Davis – disguised as happy-drunk poet “Frank” in Dreams – was a sexual omnivore of ravenous appetite. One of the composite character’s girlfriends raised another issue.
Sheila Miyoshi Jager was troubled by Obama’s refusal to condemn black nationalism and anti-Semitism. The former Barry Soetoro failed to speak out after Chicago mayoral aide Steve Cokeley accused Jewish doctors of injecting black babies with AIDS as part of a genocidal plot. Fleetwood also noted that the composite character’s collaboration with Louis Farrakhanwas captured in a 2005 photo and conveniently “suppressed until after Obama’s two terms.” For the composite character, Farrakhan was not a new enthusiasm.
In Dreams from My Father, young Barry gathers books from authors such as James Baldwin, Ralph Ellison, Langston Hughes, Richard Wright and W.E.B. DuBois. He finds “all of them exhausted, bitter men, the devil at their heels,” and “only Malcolm X’s autobiography seemed to offer something different.” In Los Angeles, Barry and his friend Ray meet Malik, a follower of the Nation of Islam but readers learn nothing about the group.
As the late Stanley Crouch explained in 1985, the NOI believed “the white man was a devil ‘grafted’ from black people in an evil genetic experiment by a mad, pumpkin-headed scientist named Yacub” and “the first devils to roll off Yacub’s assembly line were the Jews,” and so on. As a student, “community organizer,” senator or president, the composite character never openly condemned Farrakhan. As Fleetwood notes, “Obama’s embrace and tolerance of anti-Semites and corporate media’s refusal to hold him accountable for it is responsible for the anti-Israel radicalism rampant throughout the modern left.”
It is now okay “for anti-American radicals who harbor the worst sentiments about Jews to join the party’s ranks.” The Democrat Party “now opposes Israel’s right to defend itself from Hamas and Iranian-backed attackers to appease their anti-Semitic wing,” and “Obama’s silence on the pro-Hamas movement infecting America’s campuses speaks volumes.” Another volume to consult is the 2015 Believer, by David Axelrod, proclaimed by the New York Times in 2007 as “Obama’s narrator.”
As the believer explains, “authenticity is an indispensable requirement for any successful candidate, but particularly for a president. Biography is foundational.” Axelrod failed to note that Dreams from My Father is a novel, not an autobiography or memoir, and that the author is not exactly authentic. Readers also have to wonder about the believer his own self. For example:
I knew Barack was an exceptional writer. Dreams From My Father, the memoir he published at the age of 33, was a powerful and poignant work. . . Tracing the paths that brought together the son of a Kenyan goat herder and the daughter of small-town Kansas.
What animated The Audacity of Hope were stories written with the narrative skill of a gifted novelist. It occurred to me, in reading the manuscript, that Obama approached every encounter as a participant and an observer. He processed the world around him with a writer’s eye, sizing up the characters and the plot, filing them away even as he fully engaged in the scene.
In his writings, Barack had introduced the world to Reverend Wright as the pastor, mentor and father figure who brought him to Christ.
I think people who are guilty of that kind of personal attack against Obama have been influenced to a major degree by a belief that he should not be president because he happens to be African American.
[criticism of Obamacare] was rooted in race: a deep-seated resentment of the idea of the black man with the Muslim name in the White House. The facts notwithstanding, to them, health reform was just another giveaway to poor black people at their expense.
And so on, closing out in triumphalist style. “Few of the decisions he had made would satisfy the politics of the moment,” Axelrod explains, “but at home and abroad, Obama was playing a longer game.” That game is now coming into clear focus.
The composite character fundamentally transformed the United States of America into a woke, bankrupt dystopia, what David Samuels called “the disaster we are living through now.” The puppet Joe Biden puts on his best White House face, but Obama calls the shots.
As Samuels explains, the composite character holds the Iran file and “all of his people are already inside the White House.” He funds the Iran’s terrorist regime and his silence on the campus jihadists speaks volumes. His “longer game” exposes American Jews to violence and confronts Israel, an ally, with an existential problem.
At home and abroad, the composite character’s final solutions are coming into view. As Trump likes to say, we’ll have to see what happens.
THX 1138 says
“Antisemitism isn’t just about Jews. People who hate Jews associate Jews with success, perseverance and achievement….
The Jew haters aren’t just coming for Jews, but for anyone with merit, pride and self-esteem. The war against Israel has little to do with religion, and everything to do with the totalitarian destruction of life on earth.” – Michael J. Hurd
Intrepid says
Well, T, I guess they won’t be coming for you, since you have done nothing to achieve success, perseverance and achievement. Nothing you have done merits pride and self-esteem.
Unless you consider the repetitive faux-intellectual gibberish you post daily to be some form of success, all it tells me is that you managed to raise your head off the pillow.
Don Draper says
Your Bund meeting is starting without you. Try to clean the drool off your keyboard before you post again.
Interested Bystander says
As they say in islamist circles, “First the Saturday people, then the Sunday people.” (May we request a stick-t0-the-topic discussion, since some people seem to think it’s appropriate to make the subject the intellectual quality of others’ comments, rather than politics and culture? Just a suggestion from the cheap seats– those who these days stay away from comments sections because of off-topic ad hominem?)
Mike Sparks says
That’s JewENVYhate. I think the majority of the haters hate God–like it or not Jews/Israel are connected to him: JewGODhate.
THX 1138 says
Thomas Sowell has argued that, except for the Holocaust, leaving the Holocaust aside, the Overseas Chinese have suffered more pogroms and legal discrimination than even the Jews have precisely because everywhere the Overseas Chinese immigrate, they become overachievers. Becoming the owners of industry, newspapers, media, they become doctors, professors, lawyers, moneylenders, they become the “middlemen”, etc., leaving the native, host, population behind and causing the native, host, population seething with envy, resentment, and hatred for the Overseas Chinese success.
The native, host populations begin to invent conspiracy theories about the Overseas Chinese. The same typical secret society conspiracy theories that are invented against Jewish success are invented against the Overseas Chinese success.
Dr. Sowell has documented this same phenomenon among other successful immigrant, middleman minorities, like the Indians in Africa. The Armenians are another example.
Mandy123 says
I love Thomas Sowell and believe in what he saves.
Motelbill says
The Economics and Politics of Race.
Just this last week I was Home Schooling my Grand Children and quoted that book to them on that very subject..
Intrepid says
Maybe you should write about Overseas Objectivists and how lousy they are doing in growing their moribund movement.
But it’s nice to know you don’t really give a rip about the Jews in general.
Deborah says
Can you imagine how much the antisemitic Global Elites despise the fact that Israel has become the High Tech Capitol of the World ? Yes, little, besieged Ancient Israel has re-invented itself and the World of High Tech and Bravo to them!!! Israel has a higher per capita income than all the Oil Rich Middle East Countries put together. They deserve respect and good will ! Who is the first on the scene of every disaster from volcanic eruptions to floods and earthquakes with doctors and medical personnel, emergency teams, rescue dogs, and food and clean water ??? I am sick to death of the hateful treatment of Israel and the Jewish people and the total glorification of every terrorist cause and their mythical grievances. As an American I’m disgusted with what’s going on in my country and deeply ashamed of the Democrats in power . The sooner we return Pres. Trump to the White House the better ….for both Israel, the USA and the Free World.
Finarfin says
Right on, Lloyd! And right on, THX 1138 (loved your movie).
Beez says
Ax peddled the notion that we owed a black man the White House, and the only reason anyone would not vote for BO was “racism.”
Allan Goldstein says
The entire Congressional Black Caucus votes against the Jewish State, and also against Jews here in the USA.
I wasn’t raised to be a racist. I became one, due to the fact of some bitter workplace personal experiences were echoed by anti-Semitic national black politics.
I have concluded that racism is sometimes justified.
Domenic Pepe says
Obama Rama Lama Ding Dong is an anti-Semitic, anti-American racist
hate filled Moo–Slum pig at best.
The US citizen electorate will forever regret voting for him and his policies that have led to destroying America today.
Spirit of San Jacinto says
“… US citizen electorate will forever regret voting for him …”
Brother I hate to say it, but the American electorate is too dumb to know the difference. That’s how we got here in the first place.
It takes a village to raise an idiot.
Patricia says
Fraudulent Obama was and still is the true Manchurian cancer on America. Article is spot on..wish this racist anti American had actually been vetted before the left Fraudulently guilt tripped him into office.
America is playing the price big time for this once closeted maoist radical con artist.
Noah Andeark says
Remember that he’s a halfrican-American. The Democrat party knew they needed someone with his black genes tempered by white genes, as they couldn’t stomach a black man (like the ones they owned) in the position.
Judith2 says
Dems racism played out in finally choosing a half white black man…Republicans love conservative black people because they judge the content of their character that prefers their common sense ideas.
crown says
I’m Jewish, but let me say….that personification of evil sure has all the hallmarks of The Antichrist.
Kasandra says
Nah, just your typical communist destructionist at work.
Beez says
That includes being gay, “Not that there’s anything wrong with that.”
Beez says
… except that he hides it.
Allan Goldstein says
The bitter experiences I have had as a Jew at the hands of blacks and leftists looks to be echoed by same aimed at non-Jewish free thinkers on this site.
If we have reached the point where ALL have been falsely accused of racism, then does this not mean that it is time for us all to become racists?
Judith2 says
Or perhaps stop hating skin colours?
Steven Brizel says
This is is an excellent analysis of the phenomenon of Obama 3.0 aka the Biden administration
aristotle cam says
Judith2 says
No. He is a very dangerous man who desires America and has acted out the vile hatred an still does
Greg says
Tell me again: What’s the Kenyan’s pronouns?
Allan Goldstein says
Massah, Sahib, and Bwana?
junkyard infidel says
bottom boi, rosebud, rumphumper, and brokeback!
Steve says
What a silly question- everyone knows Barack Hussein Osama’s pronouns are It and its.
Steve Chavez says
OBAMA WAS GIVEN THE NOBEL PRIZE, not for something he did, but for something the Committee knew he was going to do: RETREAT FROM THE WORLD.
Apology Tours, even to Japan to apologize for the nuclear bombs, (tested at Trinity Site thirty miles from where I was born, grew up, and played it with my friend, Larry McDonald/aka McDonald Ranch) when no Japanese ever apologized for starting it all at Pearl Harbor.
OBAMA’S CAIRO SPEECH were into the twentieth minute he said, “Extremism is not the way!” His whole-body language, AND HIS EYES, changed telling them, it was the way! ARAB SPRING!
RETREAT leaving a Void to be filled by his Communist Comrades and Muslim Brothers as the United States began its downward spiral. LOOK AT THE WORLD TODAY! HE’S SMILING!
OBAMA IS CREATING the conditions for the DOWNFALL OF THE UNITED STATES, including inciting BROTHER AGAINST BROTHER hatred leading to a CIVIL WAR!
OBAMA’S EGO is that History will trace the Fall of the Empire back to him making him A HERO TO BILLIONS AND ONLY HATED BY MILLIONS! Children will be singing: “OBAMA! OBAMA! WE LOVE YOU, OBAMA!”
Kasandra says
At his Cairo speech, Obama invited Muslim Brotherhood officials to sit in the front row. The 2015 “Arab Spring” was largely designed to bring Muslim Brotherhood people to power in various Middle Eastern countries and Obama actively and successfully sought to bring the MB’s candidate Morsi to power in Egypt. Meanwhile, the MB was founded by Hassan Al-Bana, an admirer of Adolph Hitler. So there’s that.
Steve Chavez says
Yes, the protesters were cheering for MB and Obama and Hillary quickly recognized their government. Since they were a legitimate organization now, Obama put them in our government and Hillary had a MB operative as her aide who then passed that Top Secret info to MB who passed it along to every enemy! Then a year later, they were burning Obama in effigy. Imagine how that hurt his ego.
Steve says
I don’t doubt Obama is an inveterate Jew hater, and he no doubt thinks antisemitism is justified and progressive based on the Left’s totem of oppression, since in their minds Barack himself is more oppressed than the third of the world’s Jews who perished in the Holocaust (didn’t a wokeling recently assert Anne Frank had “white privilege”?).
However, Barack Hussein Obama is not a skilled writer, and “Dreams From My Father” was ghostwritten by his comrade Bill Ayers, an unrepentant Weather Underground terrorist. Obama seems glib only compared to the malaprop prone Bush or the cretinous Biden- look what happened to him during a teleprompter malfunction. He’s also the one who said there were “57 states” (no doubt thinking of the Organization of Islamic States, which includes his beloved “Palestine”), that Canada has a president (knowing that it doesn’t is the only intellectual advantage former minstrel show performer and ski instructor Justin Castreau has over him) and that it would be “unprecedented” for the Supreme Court to find an act of Congress unconstitutional. He is embittered, narcissistic, racist and antisemitic, but the intellectual brilliance that is ascribed to him is like the brilliant cloak of the emperor in Han Christian Andersen’s “The Emperor’s Clothes”.
Beez says
IMO, he didn’t earn his college and law school degrees.
Kasandra says
But, remember, the poor guy couldn’t speak Austrian.
DrLarry says
Obama’s “Longer Game” His FINAL SOLUTIONs for America, Jews and Israel are coming into focus.
— Lloyd Billingsley
“Final Solution,” words well-chosen.
Atillathehoney says
“We are a few days away from fundamentally transforming America.” – Barack Husseien Obama
Anyone who voted for this communist trash should have their citizenship revoked, banned from all Western countries and dropped kicked out of a Blackhawk at thirty feet into Somalia.
Angel Jacob says
Americans are not any good in fighting against “ideological” enemies.
Islam and communism are two of the most evil and destructive ideologies of our time.
If free nations fail to study, identify and destroy anybody who follows those ideologies, we will be wiped off by them.
Those ideologies are like a disease spreading through a healthy body. The immune system must be activated to get rid if the disease, or it’ll destroy the body.
Judith says
And yet it seems MO was a figment of Arab imagination…a character to unify disparate illiterate tribesmen to lay seige on the Christian world for Satan. Barry is just a little peg in the board…God wins, BTW.
Kasandra says
Well, we did defeat our ideological enemy the USSR so we aren’t, or at least weren’t, all that incompetent.
Underzpg says
Obama is the affirmative action Hitler. He wants to kill the 6 million plus Jews in Israel, but he wants to outsource the genocide to Iran, Hamas, and Hizbollah.
Obama likes to lead from behind and he thinks Iran and Hamas will do it for him.
RAM says
Obama the communist saw early on that he could get numerous American Jews-turned-hard-leftist to spearhead his destructive efforts against “real” Jews, against the State of Israel in particular, and against America, too,. Biden, as his successor and puppet, has done more of the same, but now in plain sight.
Obama also realized that a little smoke and mirrors could keep the liberal Jewish Democrats in line, even as their party betrayed them time after time behind the scenes. Biden may have taken this too far, now in the open, to where even many such liberals are now up in arms.