In “Francis Forgives Everyone,” I suggested that the main thrust of the Francis papacy is to de-emphasize sin.
But if Francis wants to forgive everyone, he’d better hurry up before some European bishops beat him to the punch. Just recently, the Flemish bishops of Belgium published a document for the pastoral care of homosexuals, which included a liturgical blessing for same-sex couples.
As several Catholic theologians were quick to point out, however, the blessing is problematic because, unlike the general blessing at the end of Mass, it is intended to bless a specific arrangement—namely, a same-sex union.
Some fear that the proposed blessing (the Flemish speaking bishops plan to present it to Francis later this year) could tear the Catholic Church apart. That may seem like an exaggeration, but there is good reason to believe that the Belgian bishop’s proposal is meant to bring things to a head by forcing Francis’s hand on the issue of same-sex “marriage.”
One reason to think so is that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF)—the ultimate authority on doctrinal definitions—has already made clear that “the Church does not, have and cannot have, the power to bless unions of persons of the same sex.” The document was published in March of 2021 with the express approval of Francis.
The CDF isn’t saying that a priest can’t give his blessing to a homosexual individual, only that he can’t bless a same-sex union. By the same token, the Church can’t bless the union between a man and a woman living in adultery. The problem with the “Belgian blessing” is that it is intended to bless same-sex unions—the very thing that the CDF says the Church has no power to do.
To a non-Catholic, this may seem like a tempest in a teapot, but it is, in fact, a very big deal because it constitutes a challenge to the Church’s teaching authority. The Belgian bishops are saying, in effect, that the Church has been in error to teach that homosexual acts are sinful. This puts the CDF on the spot, it puts Francis on the spot, and it puts the Church in danger of schism.
It could also prompt Francis’s resignation. Although Francis is quite obviously a friend of the LGBT movement in the Church (just look at his appointments), he seems also to have reservations about going too far too fast. Despite what some conservative Catholics may think, Francis does appear to have some fear of God—and also of the Devil. Perhaps, he would prefer to leave the decision to his successor.
Coincidentally, one of the prelates who is often mentioned as a possible successor to Francis just happens to be the top bishop in Luxembourg—the small country which borders Belgium. As president of the Commission of the Bishops’ Conference of the European Union (COMECE) Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich is also the top bishop in Europe. As an additional sign of his faith in Hollerich, Francis recently appointed him as the realtor general of the much-heralded Synod on Synodality.
But perhaps the most salient fact about Cardinal Hollerich is that earlier this year he asserted that the Church’s prohibition of sodomy is now “false” because “the sociological-scientific foundation of this teaching is no longer correct.”
Should Hollerich be elected pope and should he continue to insist that the Catholic Church’s teaching on homosexuality is erroneous, it will likely set off a firestorm of controversy both inside and outside the Church.
Another key player in this drama is Father James Martin, SJ. who is currently the most prominent Catholic advocate of the LGBT movement. Martin says that chastity is not required of homosexuals because the teaching (to remain chaste) has not been “received” by the Catholic LGBT community. Martin also states that Catholics must “reverence homosexual unions.” In short, like Cardinal Hollerich, Martin seems to be saying that existing Church teaching about homosexuality is in error.
It’s not as though Francis is firmly opposed to the position taken by Hollerich and Martin. Hollerich has said that he is “in full agreement with Pope Francis.” Moreover, Francis has showered praise on Fr. Martin, encouraged him in his work, admitted him to a private audience, and appointed him as a consultant to the Vatican’s Secretariat for Communications.
If the debate about homosexual unions does lead to some kind of schism it will most likely result in a schism between orthodox (traditional) Catholics and “progressive” Catholics like Francis, Hollerich, and Martin. The blessing of same-sex unions may well be the final straw for those Catholics who not only object to Francis’s “progressive” reforms, but also doubt whether he is really the legitimate pope.
As I have suggested elsewhere, the ultimate aim of Francis and other progressives is not to reform the Church but to transform it into a humanistic rather than a supernatural faith.
Although the Church has always been in some sense a humanitarian faith, there are some crucial areas in which a purely humanistic philosophy is opposed to Christian teaching.
The main point of division is sin. Although the Church affirms that we are made in the image of God, it also maintains that we are sinners in need of a Savior. Although Christ mingled with prostitutes and tax collectors, he did not bless their sins. Rather, he told them to sin no more, and to follow him.
By contrast, humanists tend to think that people are fine the way they are. Like Francis, they may be concerned with corporate sins and sins against the environment, but not so much with personal sins.
But from an orthodox Christian perspective, minimizing sin is self-destructive. That’s because salvation from sin is the essence of the Christian story. When you take away sin, you take away the whole rationale for Christianity. If I’m okay the way I am, why do I need the “transformation in Christ” that Paul speaks of in his epistles?
The current humanist movement in the Church is not a brand-new phenomenon. It owes a lot to the modernist movement in the Church at the turn of the 20th century, and also to the human potential movement of the late 20th century. The later merged with the popular self-esteem movement and became a powerful force in both Church and society.
The main argument of the self-esteem gurus and of their counterparts within the Church was that people who feel good about themselves aren’t tempted to do bad things. As a result, examination of conscience and frequent confession gave way to an emphasis on self-acceptance—on learning to love yourself just the way you are and on having confidence that God loves you just the way you are.
Fr. Martin is, of course, a product of this 60’s-style “follow-your-feelings” approach to morality. His fuzzy argument about the LGBT community not being bound by the rule of chastity because they haven’t “received” it is evidence of this. For Fr. Martin, the only thing that matters is that you feel good about yourself and your relationship with partner X. Nothing else is required and you can be sure that God will smile on your union.
One hitch in the self-esteem hypothesis that was apparently overlooked by Martin is that further research revealed that psychopaths and prison inmates tend to have exceptionally high self-esteem scores. Feeding one’s self-esteem doesn’t necessarily result in better behavior, and it can result in worse. Consider the recent experiments with reducing or eliminating bail, defunding the police, and giving their jobs to idealistic social workers. Such experiments often feed the sense of law-breakers that they are special, that the rules don’t apply to them, and that there should be no consequences for their behavior.
And that should give us second thoughts about the current eruption of self-acceptance theory among progressive Catholics. A certain regard for one’s self—self-respect—is good up to a point. But beyond that point it can lead to self-absorption and self-centeredness. Catholics and other Christians are called to avoid this temptation and to examine their conscience in light of scripture and tradition. But progressives think it’s enough for people to simply celebrate themselves as they are. But “celebrate yourself” is a very slippery slope and it can lead to some dark places. Currently, for example, some elements of the pro-choice movement have been calling on women to celebrate their abortions.
Cardinal Hollerich approaches the matter from a somewhat different angle than Martin, but not one that inspires confidence in his ability to lead the Church. What’s missing in the theology of Hollerich (and also Martin) is any sense of objective morality—what Cardinal Francis Arinze refers to as “the order established by God the Creator.” According to Church teaching and tradition, the nature of marriage is revealed to us both by scriptural revelation and by natural law— “the laws of nature and of nature’s God” referred to in the Declaration of Independence. In place of the order of marriage established by God, Cardinal Hollerich offers thinly disguised relativism. Hollerich seems to think that criticism of same-sex unions is founded on outmoded biology and anthropology and must now be revised in light of recent advances in sociology and science. But he fails to explain how morality can be deduced from either sociology or science. Perhaps by polling a sufficient number of people? By consulting Kinsey? By capturing the elusive pregnant man? The effectiveness of sociologically and scientifically “correct” sex education can be gauged by the wreckage of the sexual revolution.
The damage we have already seen suggests that we can’t afford any more experiments with readjusting the order established by God to suit our own inclinations. If the Belgian bishops don’t accept natural law (which is based on biological and anatomical facts) or revealed law, then what is to be the standard? Is each person to be a law unto himself or herself?
If European bishops continue to mislead Catholics about the nature of marriage, their efforts will turn out to be much more of a curse than a blessing.
Mo de Profit says
“His fuzzy argument about the LGBT community not being bound by the rule of chastity because they haven’t “received” it is evidence of this”
The community received very different education, most were, as children, abused by adults and this abuse led to their sexuality, and before all the apologists start, not all, but most.
Sadly, certainly in the UK, the chastity rules for Catholic priests led to them needing to share their desire with someone, anyone, and choir boys were often the victim.
rocco barbella says
Unfortunately, the homosexuals and Leftist’s have infiltrated the Catholic Church much like they have infiltrated: the media, academia, politics, Big Tech, etc. Again, it’s a slow process that has been allowed to progress over decades due to indifference, or non -belief, of what was happening.
Michael says
Cardfinal Hollerich has by heresy publicly defected from the Catholic faith, so he could not validly assume any ecclesiastical office other than that which he already holds.
ron says
Catholic church was infiltrated by commie homosexuals in the early 1920’s. They eventually took over the seminaries and Francis and his fellow perverts are the result. The Bible is clear that homosexuals go to hell when they die.
BTW why is the comments section so messed up? Why can’t I mark a like for the posts I like or a dislike? an up or down arrow?
William James Ward says
The Word of God descries homosexuality as an abomination to God. Today’s falling away
from prohibitions in scripture and from God was foretold in end times. Denying what God
calls evil brings closer day by day the conditions pertinent to His wrath. The flood destroyed
everyone but Noah and his family and changed everything in existence. What is happening
in the Catholic Church is pitiful and shows a lack of fear of a God that takes sin seriously.
Christ shed His blood on the Cross and died to save those who would accept His sacrifice
being repentant of their sins and turning to Him as Saviour and Lord. Openly advocating
for sin is anti-Christ and takes away salvation, repent and look to The Lord for Salvation,
not to man and the folly of self-adulation as man cannot save himself and denying Christ
is a sure passage to God’s anger and Judgment. God is not mocked and those Catholics
that do so as with anyone who does will be given eternity to regret their actions. Satan is
having a field day now on Earth but it will end soon enough. Pray for the delusional sinners.
Intrepid says
So you are gay….and stupid all at the same time.. BTW, Bros failed at the box office. How many times did you go see it.
Victor L. says
He is not gay, he is a homosexual. But you are 100% correct calling him stupid,
WhiteHunter says
For most of my life there were four American institutions whose honor and integrity were taken for granted to be beyond dispute: The FBI; the Boy Scouts of America; the American military; and the Church.
Well, we now know, beyond dispute, that the FBI is no longer the Bureau of clean-as-a-hound’s-tooth Inspector Erskine (Ephrem Zimbalist, Jr., of the long-running TV series), but instead a rogue, lawless, armed criminal syndicate weaponized to intimidate, build files on, and arrest ordinary, peaceable, law-abiding U.S. citizens, including most infamously parents who voice their concerns at public school board meetings. And a Federal agency that uses perjured affidavits to “surveille,” harass, and threaten a legitimate, bona fide U.S. Presidential campaign and then to undermine and hamstring his Administration after he takes office–and to raid and threaten him after he leaves the White House.
The BSA eventually caved in to pressure from the “LGBTQXYZ Community” to admit openly “gay” 12-year-old boys (as if a 12-year-old boy even knows, at that prepubescent age, that he’s “gay” and wants to brag openly about it)…with the “promise” that, now, we won’t recruit homosexual Scoutmasters…a “promise” that was almost immediately broken. 12-old boys shouldn’t be discussing their Orientation around the campfire with an adult homosexual Scoutmaster; traditionally, that’s the opportunity to share scary ghost stories before getting into their sleeping bags in their tents, and learn how to make (and put out) a fire safely in the woods! Now the BSA is literally bankrupt, after multiple lawsuits and settlements from the families of boys who were sexually molested!
Our Armed Forces had always been a bastion of discipline, strict conventional morality, and readiness to fight battles to victory over the enemy and win our wars. In today’s military, none of those warrior skills, values, and attitudes matter at all. In fact, a soldier, Marine, sailor, or airman who holds them–especially if he’s an officer who hopes and works for a military career leading to promotion to the highest ranks–will be purged and forced out in disgrace.
Finally the Church, of course, which for 2,000 years had had the reputation of uncompromising integrity, Truth, and the Principles taught by Jesus….
The sickening “Pedophile Priests” scandal, more widespread, as it turned out, than any devout Catholic layman could have imagined in his worse nightmares, did immense damage to that (as well as to thousands of victims)….
And now we have an antipope who was always a South American Marxist and who (with his collaborating bishops and cardinals) is about to repudiate 2,000 years of Christian doctrine and teaching on fundamental issues of Morality.
Satan has worked cleverly, relentlessly, and diligently throughout the history of Man, starting in the Garden of the Garden of Eden. Now he has reared his throne triumphantly in the Vatican itself, with his own servant now occupying the Chair of St. Peter.
God help us, and the world. My fear is that He will give us not what we ask Him for, but what we deserve for listening to, and obeying, the Devil.
Horace Yo says
Sodomy is a grossly unhealthy lifestyle, mentally and physically, and has been so for many thousands of years. It causes a dozen or so horrible diseases, some fatal, from Syphilis to Monkeypox to AIDS. It is unhealthy for the human race’s sanity, reproduction and existence. Those are the reasons that it is immoral and forbidden. If the Pope rules that it is acceptable he will be fired in both senses of the word.
Andrew Blackadder says
Today Belgium has a Political Party called The Islam Party and they OPENLY campaign that when they are elected to the Government of that country sharia will be the Law of the Land for everybody and so Im guessing all other religions will be banned and islamic nonsense will rule over all things.
Let us take note that the HQ for the EU is in Brussels, the Capital City of Belgium, so its not by chance that this islamic party is in the Capital City of the EU… Once Belgium becomes and islamic State they will control the EU, even abolish the EU as well as the Church.
So all the Catholics of that country should take more notice about that than wondering about some stupid Bishops who obviously love the wee Choir Boys and want to do it with the actual blessing of the Church.
”More and more people are straying from the Church and returning to God”… Lenny Bruce..