Daniel HoSang

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Daniel HoSang

Daniel HoSang Martinez , Eugene, Oregon, was formerly the Executive Director of PUEBLO), a citywide racial justice organization in Oakland, California. He is now a professor of American Studies at the University of Oregon in Eugene.[1]

Resisting the backlash

Socialism 2023 Tempest Collective panel to defend Black studies.

by Kristen Godfrey, Jesse Hagopian, Daniel HoSang, and Phil Gasper.

Speakers on the Tempest Panel “Resisting the Backlash, Defending Black Studies” look to educator organizing and labor movements in higher education as inspiring sites of struggle to defend Black studies against the right-wing backlash.

Mosaic Consulting

Julie Quiroz is co-founder (with Daniel HoSang Martinez) of Mosaic Consulting, where her clients included the Ford Foundation, the San Francisco Foundation, and the Greater Washington Regional Foundation.

Honored at Communist Party fund raiser

Peoples Weekly World, September 11, 1999

In September 1999, five people were honored at a Communist Party USA fund raising event in Berkeley.[2]

Alliance for a Just Society board

